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End of Week: 7th March 2010

End of Week: 7th March 2010

End of Week: 7th March 2010

Hello readers! It's been an odd week in Plusnet towers, we're currently in the middle of refurbing and rearranging large parts of the building so there's been an awful lot of moving going on.  It's been difficult to get much out of people due to the general busyness this causes, resulting in a slightly different approach to this weeks posting.  Apologies if it's not to your taste but we'll get back on things next week! Smiley We can certainly start things off in a normal fashion with a report from Mark from the CSC...

Greetings from Mark on the Customer Service & Home Moves Provisioning team. The end of a cold but bright week in Sheffield, and a busy week for us here in the Sheffield Customer Service Centre. Firstly may I take this opportunity to welcome the newer members of our team who have joined us over the last few weeks, too numerous to mention individually. We have had yet another busy week dealing with customers moving addresses, dealing with the usual 150-200 move order tickets per day, along with the many calls we have received. For the most part, they have all gone smoothly with customers feeling very satisfied with how we have handled their moves. The customer service staff have been also very busy this week dealing with many enquiries. Most issues have been handled quickly and efficiently due to the afore-mentioned increase to our customer service staff. As usual, most customers calling in have left with a satisfying resolution to their questions. So, as a well earned weekend looms, it's time to say so long.

Now unfortunately that was the only post I could get! Cry Rather than end it there, I've decided to present you with a series of 'jokes' (i use that term loosely mind you) that are doing the rounds in the office at the moment. There's a lot of new starters in these parts at the moment and they've took things to a whole new level... In no particular order...

  • News just in: Police station toilet stolen...cops have nothing to go on
  • What's blue and square? An orange in disguise....
  • What do you call a boomerang that doesn't come back? A stick!
  • Who's the coolest person in the hospital? The Ultrasound Guy
  • Who's the coolest person in the hospital when the Ultrasound guy isn't at work? The Hip Replacement Guy!
  • The local newspaper was holding a 'pun' competition, where you had to send in your bad puns. I sent ten puns in to give myself more chance of winning, but no pun in ten did.
And finally...
  • I came third at the National Sun Tanning Championships... I got a bronze

Normal service will be resumed next week, see ya then!

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