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BT Whole Home Wifi with PN

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Registered: ‎24-08-2007

Re: BT Whole Home Wifi with PN

I have set up my Deco M5 with my Hub one and everything works really well.

One disc is connected by an ethernet cable, the rest are wireless.

The default mode on the Deco was as a ruoter and I left it like that. I see that the advice earlier in this discussion is to set it as Access mode.


Curious to know why as my setup works really well me.



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Registered: ‎07-04-2020

Re: BT Whole Home Wifi with PN

If you can't bridge your modem (which you can't with the Hub One), the instructions say to set up as Access point mode. As you say, Router mode is the default so I inadvertently set it up that way to begin with and it didn't work. Once I figured out how to switch it to Access point mode it all worked fine.  

Posts: 3
Registered: ‎28-04-2020

Re: BT Whole Home Wifi with PN

Can I replace the PN Hub Zero with a BTHub4?  It has a USB port and a GigE?

Posts: 64
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Registered: ‎27-06-2014

Re: BT Whole Home Wifi with PN


Can you please tell me if I would need to disable the Wifi on my existing Fibre router (it's not the PN one)?

Or could I continue using the Wifi signal from the existing router in one part of the house and just connect additional BT discs (via ethernet) in the more remote parts of the house?

Or do I have to disable Wifi on the main router and wire a disc nearby to cover that part of the house?


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Re: BT Whole Home Wifi with PN

You need to plug one disk into the router with an ethernet cable in order for the other disks to function.

It's best if you disable wifi on the router to avoid any clashes.
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Re: BT Whole Home Wifi with PN

Sure - thanks for the speedy reply. but if I have Ethernet cables in different parts of the house, can I not just position the discs in those parts and attach to the ethernet and not have to put one close to the existing router?

Are you saying that if I left the Wifi enabled on the main router it would clash with the BT system?

Does the BT system create its own SSID etc or does it try to mimic the existing SSIDs? I currently have two SSIDs enabled on my router - one for 2.4Ghz and one for 5GHz



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Re: BT Whole Home Wifi with PN

The disks have their own SSID
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Re: BT Whole Home Wifi with PN

Thanks again - much appreciated.

One final question please - can the BT SSDID be changed to mimic the existing SSID if required? To save having to reconfigure all my wifi dependant smart devices in the house? 


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Re: BT Whole Home Wifi with PN

You can change it, however you can't split the 2.4 & 5 GHz.

There is a 2.4GHz IoT setup mode I believe.
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Re: BT Whole Home Wifi with PN

Thank you!

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Re: BT Whole Home Wifi with PN

"Why do I need to turn off the WiFi on the Hub One?."

Your new wifi system provides an integrated wifi 'mesh' using modern wifi protocols: as such, your devices (tablets, mobiles) will *seamlessly* jump from using one access point to another.

The Hub One is not able to "join that club", so it would be a second. standalone, completely separate wifi setup, which defeats the whole purpose.

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Registered: ‎25-01-2023

Re: BT Whole Home Wifi with PN

I’ve just acquired a Bt premium whole home system and today installed it and all seems well except when I use Speedtest it reverts to my plus net Hub 2 router and doesn’t show my speed at remote discs.

I haven’t altered any wifi settings on the router (not sure how to do it).

Is it likely to be the problem?

I saw that in your post you had disabled the hub wifi. I realise it’s an old post but wondered if you’d give me the benefit of your knowedge.



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Re: BT Whole Home Wifi with PN

At the minimum you need to get your devices to forget the hub wireless network, but it would be better to switch off wifi on the hub.
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The Full Monty
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Re: BT Whole Home Wifi with PN

@morgansbob IF you have a Hub2, I'm guessing you need to go into the Hub settings as below, and click the tab which is grey on the picture, and turn it off from there.

I may be wrong, as I have never used one in anger, but that appears to be the logical step.

1.Hub2 overview.png

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Registered: ‎27-06-2014

Re: BT Whole Home Wifi with PN


I used a new value for the SSID for the Deco network - which meant a bit of effort configuring all my phones, tablets, FireTVs etc to connect to the new SSID.

Once all was working, I disabled the WIFI on the main router.

I did try originally leaving the router Wifi on - but things just got messy - with phones occasionally trying to connect to the old router etc.

I should mention that I do not use the DECO for the DHCP stuff etc - I just let the existing router carry on dealing with that stuff - I set the Deco Access Point mode - rather than Router mode.