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Lack of support for Mac users

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Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: Lack of support for Mac users

Quote from: Be3G
one can see as much from the lack of Mac-related posts in our Mac/Linux board.

I'm an active contributer on various other Mac publications' forums, but ever since this forum re-organisation where we're now all lumped together in with Linux, I just don't have the time or inclination to wade through the mixed up posts to find the Mac ones that need help. Most of the posts don't specifically mention it being a Mac problem, so that makes it even harder to find them if the description doesn't shout "MAC PROBLEM!!"
When there was a dedicated Mac category, I used to post a lot more. This new categorisation doesn't help or encourage Mac users to post as it's just too hard to find any Mac related posts among the Linux stuff. I suspect there are quite a few Mac users on here who are equally as put-off contributing since the re-organisation of these forum categories.
BTW: I don't object to there being a Linux category (each to their own and all that), but I don't really wish to be lumped together with a platform that is completely unrelated to the Mac operating system - Linux and Macs couldn't really be more different really. I suspect the Linux users think similarly, with these damn pesky Mac posts littering up their forum category!
If you split up the "Mac/Linux" category, you might find people, especially Mac users, more active in their participation. Just a suggestion - it is, after all, in the Feedback category.
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Re: Lack of support for Mac users

Fair point, we are indeed open to suggestions. However, the reason we merged the Mac and Linux boards is… because the Mac board was seeing so little use. Sad As a Mac user I know where you're coming from with your complaint, but as a moderator I feel I have to stand by the decision to remove the board – the main aim of the forum redesign was to remove subforums and reduce the number of boards in general, by eradicating ones that received little use, and the Mac board did unfortunately fall squarely in to that category. (I'm pretty certain there were times when weeks would pass without a single post there.)
Posts: 1,300
Registered: ‎09-07-2007

Re: Lack of support for Mac users

and quite a good one MacOS10 - came from the forum shakeup unfortunately.
i agree with adiewoo on this one, unfortunately being on the "lesser" market OS, PN will probably rely on users to fill in the support library (hell, thats what its for) - and alot of people are more than happy to help - i mean look around the forums Smiley
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Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: Lack of support for Mac users

Quote from: Be3G
I'm pretty certain there were times when weeks would pass without a single post there

Maybe that's because Macs "just work"!
Yeah, I know what you're saying, but I bet since they were merged with the Linux thread there's been an even greater drop in Mac related posts - purely because it's hard to find any amongst the raft of Linux and general PC posts.
I agree, before the re-jig there were far too many categories but I think there was, and still is, a need for a separate Mac thread. Just my opinion, mind!
Posts: 1,300
Registered: ‎09-07-2007

Re: Lack of support for Mac users

or you could just get people to add a starting tag with their OS before the title of their query..
[Mac OSX] i have a virus and i dont know what to do...
[Ubuntu Linux] Samba streaming sucks- ideas...

etc. Smiley ?
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Re: Lack of support for Mac users

Quote from: Matt_2k34
[Mac OSX] i have a virus and i dont know what to do...

think you mean

[Windows] i have a virus and i dont know what to do...
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Re: Lack of support for Mac users

Nono, [OSX] Why can't I play my Blu-Ray movie?  We could go on for weeks with the short comings of each different OS, but for a general consumer machine that does everything you want it to do without any fuss or hassle, you pick a PC with Windows 7.  If you want to go a bit more advanced and don't mind losing out on general compatibility with (Windows) software, you switch to Linux, if you want to spend a lot of money on a machine which isn't as secure as people think it is, you switch to OSX  Tongue
Beginning of the year for instance, I put in a new motherboard and CPU, switching from AMD to Intel, booted up Windows 7 and it just got on with it without any fuss, uninstalled the old drivers and accepted the new ones, no mess, no hassle, my Linux install died on me.
Mac's are, and always will be, a minority system that'll never compete with Windows, Linux too will never compete with Windows, Windows will always have a market share around 90%, maybe dropping to 80% who knows (Google OS may be really good, or the iPad may get classed as a PC).  My laptop is capable of running OSX, which is why it's running Windows 7  Crazy
Posts: 176
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Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: Lack of support for Mac users

See, this is why I never go into the "Mac / Linux" thread!
Rising Star
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Registered: ‎19-07-2007

Re: Lack of support for Mac users

It's just things no one can deny, the OSX market share is tiny.  If it wasn't for Microsoft, Apple would have gone bankrupt, if it wasn't for Microsoft, Apple and Google would be looking at anti-trust investigations left, right and centre.
Mac users love to look down on Windows users, but a Mac is basically a PC, it's so much a PC it can run Windows and a normal Intel PC can run OSX but Apple prevent (or try to prevent) that from happening, could you imagine how many anti-trust lawsuits would hit Microsoft if they blocked Windows from running on a Mac?  Exactly, Apple are allowed to get away with behaviour that Microsoft can't get away with.
Apple is now (apparently) the worlds 2nd most valuable company by share price.  Has Jobs agreed to give away all his money when he dies (like Gates has)?  Nope, he's not even a charitable person.  Gates is giving away his money as quick as possible to good causes and when he dies all his money goes to charity (along with several other billionaires).  People slam MS because it's the thing to do, us Windows users expect it from Linux users because the morality of the two sides (closed vs open source) are incompatible, but the profit margins Apple get away with, well....  And yes, I own an Apple product  Embarrassed
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Registered: ‎05-04-2007

Re: Lack of support for Mac users

Could we all try to avoid going down the route of discussing each company's merits or lack thereof please. This thread is supposed to be for Mac-related feedback concerning Plusnet… and I fear that unless someone nips things in the bud now (which is what I'm attempting to do with this), the thread will end up becoming just another Mac vs PC debate with which the internet's already full up. Smiley
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Registered: ‎11-08-2007

Re: Lack of support for Mac users

it will be mighty inconvenient and easy for members to remember to tag their thread titles 'mac'.  would it not be helpful to reinstate the mac board for a probationary period, at the end of which a decision on its status can be evaluated?
Posts: 942
Registered: ‎05-04-2007

Re: Lack of support for Mac users

Back to lack of support - where is the "free Plusnet Protect" for Mac users?
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Re: Lack of support for Mac users

As a mac user I wouldn't take it even if it was available tbh and I suspect most mac users would be the same.
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Posts: 942
Registered: ‎05-04-2007

Re: Lack of support for Mac users

is that because there is a better alternative or are mac users still under the misconception that macs are completely safe from Virii and other potential threats?
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Re: Lack of support for Mac users

I would say that there is a better alternative but also it's not that users are under a misconception that they are completely safe but the only threats that have been released in the 'wild' are those which rely on social engineering to  get you to enter your password.
there have been, so far, no threats which can install by stealth.
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