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Two Days in the life of Football

Two Days in the life of Football

Two Days in the life of Football

So England are out with one game still to play. The hopes of one nation over again for another two years until the Euros in France. Do we now stop caring, support the winner of our group or cheer on another team? Brazil? Netherlands? Germany? I'm voting to paint the office orange but I'm not sure that'll happen. Before the final game against Costa Rica we thought we'd take a look at the traffic patterns for the first two games.

England v Italy

The first game against Italy was on a Saturday night on BBC1, earlier in the day were Colombia v Greece, also on the BBC and Uruguay v Costa Rica on ITV.

England v Uruguay

The second game against Uruguay was on ITV on a Thursday evening, sandwiched by two games on the BBC, Colombia v Ivory Coast and Japan v Greece. The traffic patterns are interesting, the games on the BBC see relatively big increases in iPlayer traffic, people watching online perhaps because they don't have a TV, or someone else is watching the TV or they don't have access to a TV as they're at work. There's a small amount of traffic for ITV Player but there's more traffic from people watching the ITV games from an alternate source. Could it possibly be because viewers lost faith in ITV Player after it failed during the opening game or perhaps the adverts? Other interesting patterns stand out, at half time people put a bit of YouTube on. It's a particularly high peak during the ITV game, maybe because the kids are allowed to stay up and watch.

England v Costa Rica

With only pride to play for we’re expecting less interest for tomorrow night’s game. With a 5pm kick off before the tournament we were expecting this to be biggest of the three qualifiers for England in terms of online viewing as we’d see people watching at work. Now, we’re expecting traffic to be the lowest of the three England games by about a third (even though Italy and Uruguay play at the same time) and predict that the two games on the BBC in the evening will see higher online demand and while there’ll be a small dip in the YouTube traffic during the England game we think it will just be a tiny blip.  

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