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The latest iPhone 5 rumours

The latest iPhone 5 rumours

The latest iPhone 5 rumours

iPhones The iPhone 5 rumour mill is turning faster than ever, and plenty of those in the know across the internet are churning out their own theories about Apple's latest project. So what's the hottest gossip so far about the iPhone 5? And what are us iPhone fanboys (and girls) getting excited about at Plusnet? Just read on and find out …

It's coming … soonish?

According to Mashable, suppliers to Apple have seen a huge spike in component orders - the largest in four years. And this has set tongues a-wagging that a new iPhone model is imminent. Elsewhere on the internet, speculation has it that the new iPhone could be launching sometime around September, which Wired reckons will help maximise those important Christmas quarter sales. However Wired also speculated about a surprise launch at an Apple keynote back on August 7, which would have been just in time for back-to-school sales. Apparently some keen Chinese websites have already put the devices up for pre-ordering…

Let's get physical

While speculation over the launch date lingers on, TechCrunch believe they may be able to offer us a sneaky peek at how the iPhone 5 is going to look, thanks to some leaked images from the Lab Factory - manufacturers who could likely have access to the latest iPhone 5 prototypes. The images and videos show a longer, slimmer design than iPhones of days gone by, with a two-tone finish, and the new design appears to come in black or white. Wired also reported the iPhone 5 may have a flat metal back, instead of a glass one. TechCrunch reckons the iPhone 5 will also feature a centred FaceTime Camera for video chat, and that the usual 30 pin mini port will be reduced to a 19-pin mini connector. Wired reported that Apple has ordered 300 glass-cutting machines, which could be for curved cover glass on the new model - providing both greater comfort and usability. Enhanced features - like FaceTime for example - make a speedy internet connection more important than ever, something that superfast services like fibre broadband can handle with ease, from speedy downloads to glitch-free video calls.

It's what's inside that counts?

So, Apple has already revealed the new iOS 6 for all Apple devices, and it seems there are quite a few treats in store for all those who do finally get their mitts on an iPhone 5. These are just a few of the nifty features you could be playing with very soon…

  • Passbook Buy your tickets via this new Apple app and carry the electronic ticket with you for everything from sports events to plane travel, so you'll (probably) never lose your ticket again! Use it for electronic store cards too.
  • FaceTime over 3G Have a good natter with your chums face to face, with iOS 6 being able to use 3G mobile networks and not just wi-fi.
  • VIP mailbox and photo sharing Put those important people all in one place, and share photos or videos with just them. And when it comes to sharing your best memories, with superfast fibre broadband you don’t have to pick and choose - you can send more photos, faster, and still download files or browse the net in quick time without disruption.
  • Clever Siri And of course, good old Siri will still be around and can apparently answer more questions than ever before, including sports scores, statistics, trivia, booking a table at your favourite restaurant or letting you know what's worth seeing at the cinema.

Rumour has it…

But wait! There's more! Further unconfirmed rumours currently circulating about the iPhone 5 are that it'll feature…

  • Near field communications technology for wireless payment
  • A faster A5 processor, just like the iPad 2
  • A Sony-designed 8 mega pixel camera sensor

For now though we'll all have to simply bide our time and twiddle our thumbs until the iPhone 5 eventually does hit the shops… What rumours have you heard about the iPhone 5? Are you planning on buying one?  

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