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Realistic resolutions you might actually stick with

Realistic resolutions you might actually stick with

Realistic resolutions you might actually stick with

Let’s be honest, when it gets to early January a lot of us make overly ambitious New Year’s resolutions – most of which we’ll break by the end of the month.

So with memories of previous failed promises, here at Plusnet we’ve been sharing some realistic resolutions with each other which we’re hoping to actually see through further than February. Here’s our top five changes we thought you might also like to give a go;


Use technology as a healthy helper                                                                                                      

We’ve found loads of free exercise websites out there that offer video tutorial access to follow from the comfort of your own home. So if you know that gym membership won’t be money well spent – then get the best from your broadband by going online and doing a quick search for ‘free fitness websites’.

One of our favourites is Fitness blender – a site which offers fitness and work out videos covering various types of exercise. This husband and wife team can take you through fat burning, total body strength training, kick boxing, metabolism boosting and stretching. Even better – you don’t need expensive equipment to be able to do it.



Walk to work (at least when it’s not wet)     

The average person can walk a mile in 15 minutes at a moderately fast pace. If you live two to three miles from your place of work then why not wave goodbye to the bus a few times a week and get walking? Our trick to making this something you’ll stick to, is only walk when the weather is fine. After all, arriving to work soaking wet wouldn’t be the most motivating way to start your day.

Technology can help here too – so why not invest in a Fitbit or similar which you wear just like a watch every day to track how many steps you’ve taken? Once you get home you can access apps on your WIFI (or even take advantage of our great data offers with Plusnet mobile and 4G) to take a peek at your progress and set personal goals or challenges.

Why not take a look at our podcast recommendation blog? Downloading podcasts is a great way to learn about different subjects through your mobile phone whilst walking to work.  



Adopt the ‘one in one out’ clothing rule

Do you ever throw your hands in the air and swear that you have nothing to wear after searching through overflowing wardrobes and drawers?  Having too much makes it really confusing to get ready in the morning. Why not have a good New Year clear out and then stick to only buying something new when you’ve decided what item of clothing it will replace.

Also, make the most of having a clear-out by getting online and trying this new free car-boot sale app. Shpock is easy to use and is quickly gaining popularity. Unlike eBay it's completely free as it doesn’t charge any listing or transaction fees.



Grab sensible snacks

 An apple or small handful of nuts will give you more energy than a chocolate bar and your body will thank you for it in the long run. We know it’s easier said than done, but why not take a bag of apples to work with you at the start of every week or have a healthy team snack bowl set up somewhere in easy reach? It might make avoiding the vending machine (a little) less difficult.

Want a little more support? My Fitness Pal has a great free app and website for tracking your eating habits and calorie consumption – as well as a load of other beneficial features.



Take up a relaxing hobby                                                                                                                                     

If you know that you’ll only do one half-hearted jog around the block or join the back of a dance class never to bother again then what’s the point? Try an alternative form of exercise this year or take up a hobby that’s more about relaxing than road running. Make it your mission to try out something that you’ve always fancied giving a go whether it’s knitting and needlepoint or painting and pottery.

Struggling for inspiration on what hobby to take up? Hobbylark has listed 150+ Hobby Ideas Broken Down by Interest and Personality. 



Mix up your meals 

What makes most diets boring is making the mistake that healthy food can only mean vegetables, salads and soups. There is in fact loads of healthy cook books and free online recipes out there which will help you make the most out of meal times and avoid the feeling you’re missing out. Why not check out our quick and easy winter recipes blog for some healthy inspiration?





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