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Internet all about relationships

Internet all about relationships

Internet all about relationships

One of the blogs I regularly read is Graham Jones: Internet Psychologist. I happened to stumble across Graham's writing after he wrote about a bad experience he'd had with PlusNet in 2006. His latest piece caught my eye for two reasons. Firstly his assertion that relationships are key to success on the Internet (just as they are in traditional marketing). He wrote about this following a visit to Internet World last week. Staff from our Development and Marketing teams also went to the show and will be writing up their experiences this week. Some of the founding principles for PlusNet come from the Cluetrain Manifesto which also speaks of the importance of real relationships in online commerce. Secondly Graham also seems to like Huddle.

"You might have noticed I spent a couple of hours in a large exhibition centre and only found one company to recommend. Now what does that tell you about the Internet World?" Graham Jones.
It just so happens that we like it too and coincidentally wrote about it last week.
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