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Broadband - still waiting to be set up since 2st July

Posts: 2
Registered: ‎12-08-2020

Broadband - still waiting to be set up since 2st July

I joined PlusNet on 21st July, made my payment and then nothing. No communication, no set up date, nothing. I called last week, after 4 calls and 45 mins on hold which I had to end due to an appointment I had to hang up.

I am so far incredibly disappointed and fear I have been hugely misled by your advertising. Communication is not existent and I have paid for goods that I have not received.

Please could anyone advise me how I can get in touch? I work full time and sitting on hold on the phone all day is not an option. I just want a set up date or my money back.

Posts: 3
Registered: ‎11-08-2020

Re: Broadband - still waiting to be set up since 2st July



I'm on the same boat. I ordered my broadband on the 9th July and I haven't received anything and i'm struggling to get through to someone who can update me but no luck so far. Any luck with your?

Posts: 3
Registered: ‎11-08-2020

Re: Broadband - still waiting to be set up since 2st July

Hi, I just managed to get through to the customer service on phone. 


To give you background of my situation, I received an email saying there was an issue with placing my order due to my current supplier had placed a cease on the line, but it's been lifted and Plusnet would place my order but it'd take about 24 hours. That was 2 weeks ago. 


Now the customer service told me that, because of backlog, my order hadn't even been placed yet. She said she was going to place a "request" for placing my order and put it on a fast-track list. I hope this will push my situation forward. 


I tried replying to their ticketing service and sent a message on Twitter, but it seems calling them is the only solid way to contact them (I was put on hold for about 40 min though). Good luck!

Posts: 2
Registered: ‎12-08-2020

Re: Broadband - still waiting to be set up since 2st July

I finally got through this afternoon. Turned out my order hadn’t been placed due to an error their end!! I asked why I hadn’t been informed and they just apologised. The order has now been placed and it will be another 10 working days because of my current provider releasing the line. I explained this has already happened. My current provider ended the contract and wrote to me confirming that Plusnet were taking over the line. I also pointed out that whilst looking elsewhere, Three Broadband could connect the very next working day. The only reason I haven’t gone to them is that they can’t provide the service in my area. She couldn’t really answer anything I said and I made it clear that I am extremely unhappy with the service so far.
Following the call I immediately received a confirmation email that my order was placed, swiftly followed by another saying my router was on the way.
The lady I spoke to was very apologetic but said she was unable to fast track anything. We will see what happens yet but I’m not filled with confidence.