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MAC Requests

Posts: 1,867
Registered: ‎23-10-2008

MAC Requests

Its been clarified a few times that it is acceptable to request ones MAC via a Help Assistant ticket.
Why haven't staff been told of this?
Only once have I called for a MAC, every other time I've been successful in persuading PN to issue MAC codes via the Help Assistant.
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Posts: 10,540
Registered: ‎18-07-2007

Re: MAC Requests

Quote from: James_G
Its been clarified a few times that it is acceptable to request ones MAC via a Help Assistant ticket.

Hi JamesG,
This has not been the case for some time - I'm not sure of the exact date but we stopped accepting MAC requests via ticket last year and updated the help pages and terms and conditions at the same time.
Posts: 1,867
Registered: ‎23-10-2008

Re: MAC Requests

The Business Terms and Conditions 6.2 says that:
6.2 The Contract or the Service may be ended by either party on 30 days written notice to the other unless otherwise stated in the Service Schedule.

On the basis that the request is to to be 'written', and Ofcom require you to allow at least two methods of contact - I would assume a Ticket to be the only possible second method.
Or is there an email address I can make the request to?
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Re: MAC Requests

I think it's a postal address, this has been mentioned before...
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Registered: ‎23-10-2008

Re: MAC Requests

Two postal addresses does not constitute two methods... - It constitutes two alternative addresses for one method. Wink
The thing that irritate me is that they are only being awkward - the only reason they want me to call is to have an opportunity to 1: Convince me to stay and 2: Get me to agree to termination costs.
1: Ain't gonna happen (and they could have called me if they wanted to try to make me stay...)
2: Better to have it in writing for both parties anyway.
Its a ludicrous situation that *everything* has to be done on the Help Assistant/Questions/Tickets until it suits them.
Contractually I have fulfilled my obligations in giving 30days notice.
I've requested a MAC (and had the request denied because I didn't phone, even though I am required to *NOT PHONE* and put the request in writing)
Seems a little obstructive to me - its certainly leaving a sour taste in my mouth regarding PN.
I certainly wouldn't consider coming back here, and I won't recommend them again either.
I don't doubt that eventually I will have to make the call if I want a MAC - I just don't "get" why.
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Re: MAC Requests

duh re-read your post.
that's a good point, i always thought one method was phone and the other written but as you point out....
[me=adiewoo]crawls back under his rock[/me]
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Posts: 1,867
Registered: ‎23-10-2008

Re: MAC Requests

The chap who is refusing to give me my MAC now claims I'm reading the wrong terms.
A prize to anybody who can find 6.2 in the Residential Terms... (Its not there - they don't have sub-clauses, just a single number for each clause*. Only the business Terms have subclauses - Mr L clearly didn't read before telling me I was wrong.)
*Admittedly there are instances of lists within the Residential Terms, but they use a 1a,b,c nomenclature instead - again presumably for clarity amongst those not used to reading contracts
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Registered: ‎07-04-2007

Re: MAC Requests

Quote from: Matt

This has not been the case for some time - I'm not sure of the exact date but we stopped accepting MAC requests via ticket last year and updated the help pages and terms and conditions at the same time.

Could you point out in the residential T&C's where this is stated. I can only find
19.Once we have provided the service, you may tell us to stop providing it at any time by giving us 10 days' written notice, unless the service terms say otherwise. We can stop providing the service by giving you 10 days' written notice.
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Posts: 10,540
Registered: ‎18-07-2007

Re: MAC Requests

48. If you wish to give us notice you must do so using one of the following mechanisms. No other form of communication will be accepted, unless specifically stated otherwise in this agreement:
  1. To us: by phoning our customer options team or in writing to:
  2. Plusnet Plc
      Internet House
      2 Tenter Street
      S1 4BY

@James_G: It's in hand now with the COT team.
Posts: 1,867
Registered: ‎23-10-2008

Re: MAC Requests

I see that Matt Thanks! - any clarification on the point that asking for a MAC for a business appears to be in compliance with the PN T's and C's?
I'm still confused - maybe the community can help - the ticket references 13:10 in the Terms and Conditions which I am told I should agree to.
I cannot find 13:10 anywhere in your T's and C's - its most odd...
Also the agent referred me to the Residential Terms via the link he supplied.
Residential does not contain a 13:10
Neither the business Schedule of Service, nor Schedule of Charges appear to go as high as 13
In fairness, the ticket did say I had to agree to charges of "        " <NULL> <WHITESPACE>
So I'm not hugely worried about having to pay <NULL> * 120% as a penalty for failing to pay <NULL>
I feel like this is a little Alice in Wonderland now though.
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Posts: 10,540
Registered: ‎18-07-2007

Re: MAC Requests

The ticket will be updated with the correct fees (and if necessary the relevant portion of the terms and conditions, which does need correcting) shortly.
Posts: 1,867
Registered: ‎23-10-2008

Re: MAC Requests

It has been! - thanks again.
I am still interested to know if it is the case that I am just being a PITA on this (OK - I know most of the ticket was just me being a PITA - but try to ignore the japery for a second. Wink )
Is the essence of what I was trying to achieve so wrong?
Adam has intervened on the ticket, and has sorted the issue with little fuss or effort - everybody is happy.
1: I still think the request was in accordance with the instructions PN have enshrined in the Business T's and C's.
2: Isn't it simply a case of good service to give the customer what they want, even if on odd times it means not doing things 'by the book'.
Posts: 647
Registered: ‎26-02-2008

Re: MAC Requests

Does a residential MAC request always take the full 5 days?
Posts: 1,867
Registered: ‎23-10-2008

Re: MAC Requests

It depends - its an automated system that generates them AFAIK.
They generated mine within a very short timescale for my business one (although it took a lot of haggling to persuade them to!)
Posts: 2,933
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Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: MAC Requests

well, 5 days on I still do not have my Mac code!  and I am residential customer............................... have kept trying customer service but lines are all toooo busy! Angry