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Outraged of Tranent! - Mobile Charges

Posts: 7
Registered: ‎27-06-2021

Outraged of Tranent! - Mobile Charges

We should all know that for every 1Mb over your data allowance (that's absolutely nothing btw) PlusNet charge 10p.

That's £100 for 1 Gb. Please correct me if that is wrong.

They do send a warning when you are near your data limit, but after that, it's on your head.

My son went just 104Mb over the limit this month, that's £10.43

OK lesson learned CHEAPLY.


BUT now we know how a company like PlusNet (and the others) makes their money

22Gb per month should mean 22Gb. No more.


Every time I see that man on the TV saying PlusNet will do you proud, I want to smash it. PlusNet gets 0 stars from me. Unfortunately, every other mobile phone company is the same. Data-rich websites are costing this population a fortune and it will never go backward.

I want to say to everyone who reads this thread. When you get the data usage warning from PlusNet - STOP. Easy to say, try telling your children!!


This text editor is rubbish btw.


And as for PlusNet broadband DONT GET ME STARTED - "Do you proud?" - methinks a complaint to the Advertising Standards Authority is in order. PlusNet? Life is too short and as soon as my broadband contract is up, it's goodbye. Can't wait to see this company in the rearview mirror. PlusNet is nothing more than a reseller in this market. Second rate one at that. This is just my opinion, hope it's just me. Doubt it. This is PlusNet's chance to do something.


A 5Gb monthly allowance should be 5Gb and that's it. End. 



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Re: Outraged of Tranent! - Mobile Charges

I trust that now you’ve had your vent you feel better? Why not save the stress and set a Smart Cap limit?

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Posts: 7
Registered: ‎27-06-2021

Re: Outraged of Tranent! - Mobile Charges

OK - I will. But I consider myself fairly intelligent (lol) but I find this entire thing confusing. This website is difficult to navigate.

It is all very well to offer a data allowance for a SIM at a set price, you can shout it from the rooftops (well on TV), but setting a price cap is hidden in the undergrowth or small print. 

The £10s added up over a million customers can add up - boy can they add up.

Smarty is now offering 30Gb for £10.....this is just a data game. 



Posts: 7
Registered: ‎27-06-2021

Re: Outraged of Tranent! - Mobile Charges

Smart Cap 


Hands up if you can make sense of that page of information.

I totally accept that it's "buyer beware" but come on? The devil really is in the detail. 


I'm ranting about PlusNet but it's not just them. Martin what's his name (shouty man) no doubt can help.




Posts: 7
Registered: ‎27-06-2021

Re: Outraged of Tranent! - Mobile Charges

This must be my pet hate today.


Just looked at the 8 PAGE - yes 8 PAGE - bill for this mobile phone number for 1 month.


Does anyone else understand the way the charges are set out?  Didn't think so.









Posts: 7
Registered: ‎27-06-2021

Re: Outraged of Tranent! - Mobile Charges

One more comment about Broadband.

PlusNet does not put broadband into the road/pavement, does it?. That is ?BT? Our connection and outage here is worse than ever during the lockdown. (seems to have got worse since somebody laid fibre next to it here).

The slogan "Do you proud" is one of those groups of words that when you drill down into the English you have to say that it is pretty meaningless. Sounds good, but what does it actually commit to?

If anyone actually knows what "Do you proud" means, could they please let me know. 








Posts: 7
Registered: ‎27-06-2021

Re: Outraged of Tranent! - Mobile Charges


Can PlusNet please tell me why the above link includes the word "discover". Do I have to discover a smart-cap? 

Posts: 7
Registered: ‎27-06-2021

Re: Outraged of Tranent! - Mobile Charges

The slogan "Do you proud" is one of those groups of words that when you drill down into the English you have to say that it is pretty meaningless. Sounds good, but what does it actually commit to?

If anyone actually knows what "Do you proud" means, could they please let me know. 


I think this is a fair question. 


PlusNet sells me a monthly contract to supply 22Gb of data for £10.

I then hear the guy on the telly saying "PlusNet, we'll do you proud".

5 minutes later I see that Smarty is offering 30Gb for £10.


What part of "do you proud" should I be celebrating?


This is a competitive business. Advertising slogans belong in the bin. There is far too much hyperbolae on the airwaves.


Fact. PlusNet sold me 22Gb for £10. That's it. There is nothing more to it. They didn't do anything else, there is no doing me (anybody) proud.