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Nuisance Calls

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Registered: ‎21-12-2012

Re: Nuisance Calls

@JohnofYork  my phone does  not block withheld numbers all it does is ask to the caller to announce who they are ,my son sometimes phones me from his work a with held number ,the phone rings he says who he his I accept the call ,but what the does stop is robo calls from idiots leaving a message saying my amzon account been hacked ,my isp been compromised,my bank account been hacked etc etc because they are recorded messages and send these out in their thousands hoping someone will phone them back

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Re: Nuisance Calls

I was thinking of people like rather than our beloved BT. 😀

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Re: Nuisance Calls

The only 'Withheld' calls I've had for some years now have been from doctors, dentists etc.

The scammers all seem to be using spoofed ID now.

If using Call Protect to block 'International' -

Note that a call from a UK spammer spoofing an international number will not be blocked.

A call from a non-UK spammer spoofing a UK number will be blocked.

The 'International' flag in the ID data stream is triggered by whether the call is incoming to the UK, not by the number.

Murphy was an optimist
Zen FTTC 40/10 + Digital Voice   FRITZ!Box 7530
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Re: Nuisance Calls

I don't know, @JohnofYork , but I would imagine a firm of that type is subject to a lot of regulation - some 'behind-the-scenes' - but as I said previously, 99%+ of the spam calls are from the Indian subcontinent/South America or other low-wage areas, over VoIP and are totally outside UK regulators influence.

Rising Star
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Registered: ‎21-12-2012

Re: Nuisance Calls

as @jab1  has said a lot of these numbers originate via India and the surrounding countries and done over voip  and look like they originate from this country ,I dont know if there technogly that can pick up these calls at this moment  with the old system of telephones PSTN  we cuurently use perhaps when we go totally digital as indicated by BT via firbre some tecnolgy will be able to block calls as this uses voip  similar to the scammers

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Registered: ‎22-01-2021

Re: Nuisance Calls

Thanks for the technical info on international calls198kHz. 

@JohnofYork, you are right. A wide range of legitimate individuals and businesses withhold calls including delivery companies who are ringing to tell you that they'll be with you in an hour, so it is no panacea at all.

And don't blame India either. Just because companies like Dell base their call centres there doesn't make it a country to avoid. No, the consumer needs a few more tools in their armoury.  

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Re: Nuisance Calls

@hooverman Current technology certainly can't pick up and block this type of call, and I doubt that future technology will either - but who knows?

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Re: Nuisance Calls

With respect, @PeterWSurrey  as I have said before, the main source of spam is the Indian sub-continent and other low-wage areas - try googling for information, it is very revealing.

Yes, legitimate companies have used call-centres in the area, and some still do, but they are highly unlikely to call you unless you have initiated the contact.

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Registered: ‎22-01-2021

Re: Nuisance Calls

@jab1 : I lived there for 2 years. I think I know how it works!

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Re: Nuisance Calls

@PeterWSurrey I don't want to get into an argument - that's not what these forums are for - but when and where?

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Registered: ‎12-09-2014

Re: Nuisance Calls

Getting really tired of the shear volume of scam calls now. Pretty much every day it’s the BT ‘we are going to disconnect your service one’ then we have for light relief the Amazon Prime one and of course the fake covid vaccine ones are starting. Yes I block them, no difference and no I can’t block calls from unknown ids as doctors etc call here. I would have the telephone out of the wall if I didn’t need it for doctors etc. When are telephone companies going to do something about this instead of passing responsibility onto customers? If this keeps up landlines will be a thing of the past, almost everyone I know doesn’t have one and it will be the companies themselves will be to blame. 

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Re: Nuisance Calls

@Lwio As I have said before in this thread (and others), there is nothing anyone in the UK can do about these calls - despite appearances to the contrary, the great majority originate overseas, where we have no jurisdiction, and are sent over theVoIP network, making them nigh on untraceable.
