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Slow or dropping internet late in evening

Posts: 1
Registered: ‎20-01-2021

Slow or dropping internet late in evening

I switched to plusnet from sky a few months ago and it’s been one of the worst decisions I’ve made for a while...

Initially the service was ok though I’ve always noted late in evening when in bed the internet sometimes drops or becomes very slow. How for the last few weeks it’s terrible and both myself and my partner normally have to switch to 4 G on our phones

I’ve been testing regularly the last few days and the speeds test confirmed my suspicion . During day about 59mb upload, then during mid to late evening it drops to below 1mb at times. This honestly never happened with sky in 2 years.

Can anyone check out line in the evening and see if anything can be found wrong?

I need to check my contract to see if have any ground exit it - even if I don’t I think I’ll have to buy myself out of it as the service is unusable almost every evening and I need it for work