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Problems after contract renewal

Posts: 7
Registered: ‎15-12-2020

Problems after contract renewal

Having renewed my Fibre contract again my download speed has again dropped by approx 5mg. I know I watch a lot of streamed TV thought Amazon prime & Britbox etc but its an unlimited service so I should not have my speed throttled because of the data levels.

When I first signed up to fibre broadband I was getting a rock solid 39mg at my home using Speed Test on a wired PC connected to my router. At next renewal upgraded to enhanced service offering 60mg download speeds but had issues where my profile would not shift from 40mg service. Eventually Open Reach came out checked out my home connections and ended up at exchange and suddenly I was getting 55mg. This lasted for a few weeks and then started dropping until it reached 37mg. So Plusnet put me back on old 40mg contract claiming a cabling issue between house and Exchange this meant DLM would prevent any more than 40mg and digging up road was not a viable option. Thinking I would go back to 39mg I was happy to compromise, but it then would max out at approx 35mg. This renewal sees my download speed test at my end drop to approx 30mg and less.

I reported this as a fault and despite being told fault showing was not on my property I needed a Open Reach engineer at my property. Anyway his visit proved there was no fault at my house, but he advised me they my next door neighbour had the same issue (I have confirmed this) and that the house on corner also had same issue. Adding that his colleague and himself both believed the fault was with the card in the cabinet outside the Exchange. But when they reported this back to BT's admin refused to authorise replacement due to high cost. He then went off to the exchange saying he would reset my profile as this might help. Well it didn't and as Im only getting 75% of my service I went back to Plusnet today suggesting a 25% reduction to match the service I was getting and also mentioned the other houses in the Close with same problem along with Open Reach's conclusion and not being able to fix it. Now it seems I need another Open reach visit to do the same as yesterday maybe even a third in order to get this problem escalated back to BT who have closed the ticket claiming its fixed.


This is absolutely ridiculous having engineers visiting to conduct the same tests each time proving no problems at customers property, surely its would be cheaper if BT actually fixed the problem seeing as Plusnet, Open Reach are all part of BT. I presume that they are waiting for 50% or more customers connected to alleged faulty card report faults before actually accepting fault and dealing with it. I know all about BT policy, systems & procedures seeing as I'm a BT pensioner and if Plusnet cannot get it fixed then my next stop is a complaint to the Telecoms Ombudsman, I will be advising others in Close to do same, perhaps the Ombudsman can cut some of this BT red tape and repair policy.  



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Re: Problems after contract renewal

It seems odd that a contract renewal should make any changes.

Surely everything stays as-is except for the contract ?


I've just added phone to my legacy contract and I hope nothing broadband related gets fiddled with, my speed is hampered enough already with ally cable that BT aren't going to renew any time soon.



Let's be careful out there !
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Re: Problems after contract renewal


Perhaps an email to the CEO of Openreach (Clive Selley) would get something done?

If the Fibre cabinet was provided as part the local authority funded BDUK programme copy in you MP.


The scope of supply of the cabinet can be determined from:

1) check your cabinet number from:

enter you phone number and "captcha". The cabinet will be reported at the top.


Perform a post code look up.

Click on the linl below locality, then click on the All xx cabinets link (just below the lookup postcode button).

If the Phase includes BDUK in the description it is a local authority funded cabinet.


I would include the result from step 1 in the email. It should show the estimated speeds and the Observed speeds.





Plusnet Help Team
Plusnet Help Team
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Re: Problems after contract renewal

Hi @DHW03, sorry to hear of the issues with the speed. I can see our Faults team have updated the ticket and there's an engineer booked. You can view the open ticket we have here

If this post resolved your issue please click the 'This fixed my problem' button
 Plusnet Help Team
Posts: 7
Registered: ‎15-12-2020

Re: Problems after contract renewal

Not exactly the first class customer service advertised, not even the minimum guaranteed speed but Plusnet claim Im getting 39mg on there tests, I must be living at the wrong house. But of course BT\Open Reach\Plusnet dont think I have a problem. Yes I do have a engineer visit tomorrow and he will do the exact same tests at my house and then close the call as fixed. Despite having 3 households in a small 12 house development all still having the same issue. Also I should add that we are close enough to the exchange to be directly connected until we switch to fibre then you were connected to new cabinet outside exchange. 

Posts: 7
Registered: ‎15-12-2020

Re: Problems after contract renewal

Well after todays visit I’m still getting 25-30mg download speeds.

The engineer spent 30mins plus sitting in van outside claiming to be researching issue then had an array of interesting theories like

  • Could be caused by Christmas lights
  • Massive 750m distance to Exchange building
  • Fibre drop off despite Fibre only running from box outside exchange
  • Aluminium cables
  • They only guarantee a phone line not broadband
  • They only sort out no service issues
  • The service to my outside box according to his test machine was perfect
  • No spare connections in exchange cabinet so cant swap my connection
  • All cards are full in cabinet
  • Not allowed to come indoors

From my conversations I can assume the fibre cabinet is probably full and Open Reach do not want to spend any money on replacement or extra cards in cabinet. Which I assume would mean nobody can now get Fibre as no space on cards to connect them. Having all cabinet connections in use probably means the cards performance is maximised and that’s why some people are having the performance issues. They are intending to sit on this fault hoping I’ll get bored and accept substandard service. Well having retired from BT and working within this company run on bureaucracy and red tape. I’m not letting this go and until something is done to resolve the issue. 

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Re: Problems after contract renewal

Hi @DHW03 

I see the IP profile was >38 Mbps which is somewhat higher than your throughput speed tests.

What are the routers Modem statistics?

Line rate, noise margin, etc

If you are using a Plusnet Hub one router, I believe the stats can be found at:, then click troubleshooting and then help desk.



Posts: 7
Registered: ‎15-12-2020

Re: Problems after contract renewal

Seasoned Champion
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Registered: ‎19-11-2008

Re: Problems after contract renewal

For a Synch speed of >39Mbps the IP profile of >38Mbps looks OK.

How are you conducting the speedtests, via a device connected over WiFi or a PC connected to the router by Ethernet?

If via WiFi, to troubleshoot the speed issue, please use a PC connected to the router by Ethernet.




Posts: 7
Registered: ‎15-12-2020

Re: Problems after contract renewal

Yeah always test and shop from my HP desktop connected to Modem\Router, have to use the Plusnet supplied one otherwise Plusnet helpdesk refuse to help with any issues.

Tomorrow I will try a longer patch lead from Modem\Router just to PC and eliminate any possible issues with a Netgear switch I use to provide extra ports for printer, wifi extenders (because Plusnet unit is very poor) also to connect smart heating, IP CCTV cameras etc.  


Dave W

Posts: 7
Registered: ‎15-12-2020

Re: Problems after contract renewal

This morning I completed the Netgear switch bypass, even disconnected everything from hub it, made no difference at all with just the PC connected directly to Plusnet hub and everything else removed still got test results of 29mg D\L speed.


And tonight I reached another low just 9mg download speed, thats half of what I get on ADSL


And Open Reach claim there is not any problem with my Broadband as there box testers say its running with 39mg D\L speeds. Yet the BT Wholesale test says something completely different, I despair but I dont intend to sit back and accept it. I will continually press and push Plusnet to get Open Reach to sort it out.   


Seasoned Champion
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Registered: ‎19-11-2008

Re: Problems after contract renewal

Hi @DHW03 


As you say Openreach are basing their assessment on the VDSL synch speed which appears to be OK.

What is the current line speed reported at ->


Do the speeds get worse in the evening?

If so you could be provisioned on a "HOT VLAN". A VLAN appears to be BT terminology for the link from the exchange to the Plusnet Point Of Presence (POP).

The exchange to POP links are provided by BT Wholesale and not Openreach.







Posts: 7
Registered: ‎15-12-2020

Re: Problems after contract renewal

Anyone got any idea what this coded message means, I suspect my issue has been closed without being resolved.

The Question 20905!!!! has been released from hold and sent back to BOT - FTTC Logged Faults - Post SFI


Had a brief 30-40 service break today, hopeful at first that perhaps they might have fixed the sub 30mg D\L speeds but seems checking tonight nothing has changed. Perhaps I should start a crowd funding page for BT\OpenReach so they can buy another roadside cabinet fibre card