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Database Backup Problems

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Database Backup Problems

My main blog has been dormant for a long time and I’m trying to do a database backup before setting up a second blog using the same database but a different Wordpress prefix.


Using the Export routine in phpMyAdmin I am getting:


Firefox can’t find the file at http://ccgi.[MyUserName]


There is also a message at the bottom of the page:


Your PHP MySQL library version 5.1.73 differs from your MySQL server version 5.5.54. This may cause unpredictable behaviour.


I can’t see any way of updating this.


If I use MySQL Administrator, the datatbase backup downloads OK, but the Information Schema, which I assume that I need too, drops out with an error message when it gets to Views:


The MySQL server returning error: MySQL Error Nr.0-


The database is quite large - approaching 40Mb - if that is significant. And given that size, am I unwise to add another blog to it?


Any suggestions gratefully received, but I’m not a technical genius.


Similar problems were discussed at length in a thread in 2014:


But so far as I can see, without reaching any very satisfactory conclusion.

Resting Legend
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Re: Database Backup Problems

Rising Star
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Registered: ‎28-12-2007

Re: Database Backup Problems

Many thanks Jim, and I’ll try them, but from past experience (admittedly a few years back) plugins can be temperamental and this is a pretty crucial task. I was rather wanting to get the data from the horse’s mouth as it where. Also I’m wondering whether the problems I’m encountering may point to a problem with the database if there isn’t an obvious solution.

Community Gaffer
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Re: Database Backup Problems

You could try Adminer?

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
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Re: Database Backup Problems

Hi Bob

I will try it in the morning, but can you throw any light on this:

  • Your PHP MySQL library version 5.1.73 differs from your MySQL server version 5.5.54. This may cause unpredictable behaviour. [see my original post]

Surely it should be possible to do a straightforward backup using Export in phpMyAdmin without trying numerous work-arounds? And if not, then surely it would be wise to find out why not? There's about half a million words on that blog and I wouldn't want to loose it

Community Gaffer
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Re: Database Backup Problems

The SQL warning is nothing to be concerned about and isn't linked to your problem. This looks to be the issue:


For some reason, the phpMyAdmin install is pointing you to a staging instance. I've just taken a look at my own account and it's doing the same. We'll need to report that to our supplier so they can take a look. In the meantime, try accessing your install using:


Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
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Rising Star
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Re: Database Backup Problems


Thanks for that Bob, and on a Sunday morning too.


I don’t know whether this will throw any light on the problem? If I paste this from the error message that says ‘can’t find’ into Firefox I get the error message below:




export.php: Missing parameter: export_type<a href="./url.php?" target="documentation"><img src="themes/dot.gif" title="Documentation" alt="Documentation" class="icon ic_b_help" /></a>


Unfortunately I don’t do php and if anyone could give me even a rough idea of what it’s about I would be interested and grateful.


I'm afraid it'll be tomorrow morning before I get a chance to try the other link you suggest now.

Rising Star
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Re: Database Backup Problems

Hi Bob,


I'm afraid that using the alternative link you suggested:


still gets an export.php missing error when I try to use the Export command.

Resting Legend
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Re: Database Backup Problems

Whilst the displayed text of the alternative link excludes mention of previewmysite the underlying (click through) link does not. Whether this is significant depends how you are using that suggestion.

If I log into my control panel at and launch phpMyAdmin - then click the Go To phpMyAdmin tab a login in page containing previewmysite opens.

If I remove (dot) from that address and load the new page the same login form appears (but on my live site). Export worked OK for me after I logged in and followed the instructions here.

Community Gaffer
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Re: Database Backup Problems

Seems that even though my install has the preview URL, I can still export from it:


Might be an idea for you to try uninstalling/re-installing:

  • Uninstall the app using the uninstall option of the PHPMyAdmin application in the Hosting Control Panel
  • Use the File manager to delete the directory at /private/<phpmyadmininstalldirectory>
  • Relaunch PHPMyAdmin application and reinstalled to /public/phpmyadmin directory

@TonyN wrote:

The database is quite large - approaching 40Mb - if that is significant. And given that size, am I unwise to add another blog to it?

Could be a factor I guess. Note that you're not limited to a single database. You can create a second, fresh database using the SQL Manager if you'd rather take that route.

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
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Rising Star
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Re: Database Backup Problems




Many thanks for that.


Unfortunately, if I do as you suggest and delete “.c51” then reload the login screen and log in to , phpMyAdmin it still opens with this in the address bar:




When I try to do an Export I immediately get the same missing export.php error.


Bob Pullen:


My lack of experience may be making me over cautious, but I’m very reluctant to do anything as radical as a delete and reinstall without a bulletproof backup, or two. The most recent complete one that I have is about nine months old and although the blog has been more or less dormant since then, there has been some activity.


That backup, probably carried out with MySQL Administrator, yielded two files:


20160407 Backup 20160407 1151.sql                                                                                               38mb

phpMyAdmin-config-ccgi.[MyUserName]                1Kb


which also has “” in it.


I realise that this may be a silly question, but do we know for a fact that export.php is present and where the Export command expects to find it?


Many thanks for the suggestion about a second database. I hadn’t realised that I could do that and at least creating one will give me the chance to get the second blog up and running.


Any idea when a response from Plusnet’s contractors (your comment here) can be expected? Or in view of export working on your installation is that no longer a line we are following?

Resting Legend
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Re: Database Backup Problems

The Export command and any files it uses should be part of the phpMyAdmin software distribution.

In my case the Export button link uses either server_export.php (for server exports) or db_export.php (for database exports).

However when I try any export I noticed the created file is empty - and on checking back the file I created earlier today is also empty. So although "export" creates files.and appears to work  for me these files are empty. But this doesn't appear to be the case with the one Bob created. Huh

My configuration is set up to use the fastcgi version of PHP; I wonder if this is significant.

Rising Star
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Re: Database Backup Problems

I think we may need someone to come along with a lifebelt. Bob Pullen?


There seems to be a problem here that is well outwith the hands of users. Can someone at Plusnet test and verify backups on both my database and spraxyt’s please, if he’s willing?


If the problem is not with the server then at least one of them should work.


Incidentally, I’ve now tried doing database export on a brand new computer with a bare system on it: just the same.


I’ve also tried Duplicator and BackUpWordpress as spraxyt suggested. Duplicator did “Scanning Site” for 15 mins before I gave up and BackUpWordpress won’t work on the version of Wordpress I am using. I realise that this needs updating, but not I think, without good backups first.


My version of php is whatever comes with the package.

Resting Legend
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Re: Database Backup Problems

I've exported my database successfully using Adminer. The size of the gzipped file is 3.5MB and the expanded SQL file content appears complete and sensible.

When Adminer opens the database it shows warning messages in the Routines and Events sections as shown below. This might be because the database has neither of those sections so the tables mentioned probably don't exist. I'm not unduly concerned by seeing these messages.



@TonyN wrote:

Incidentally, I’ve now tried doing database export on a brand new computer with a bare system on it: just the same.

One could argue the website phpMyAdmin set-up is common to both computers.

@TonyN wrote:

I’ve also tried Duplicator and BackUpWordpress as spraxyt suggested. Duplicator did “Scanning Site” for 15 mins before I gave up and BackUpWordpress won’t work on the version of Wordpress I am using. I realise that this needs updating, but not I think, without good backups first.

Oldjim who mentioned those plugins. I haven't tried them.

@TonyN wrote:

My version of php is whatever comes with the package.

Yours will be the Apache module version of PHP 5.6. I switched to PHP 5.6 early using PHP Manager. This set up links to the fastcgi module version; I'm also using a customised php.ini file. I mentioned this "for the record" - it shouldn't make any difference.

Community Gaffer
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Re: Database Backup Problems

@TonyN wrote:

My lack of experience may be making me over cautious, but I’m very reluctant to do anything as radical as a delete and reinstall without a bulletproof backup, or two.

Deleting and reinstalling the phpMyAdmin installation has no bearing on your database content. It's all PHP. Having said that, to save you the worry, I've just done it on your behalf and it hasn't made a difference Sad

I'll PM you the details to the new install so you can still get into it.

I also tried optimising/repairing your database but neither has that helped.


That backup, probably carried out with MySQL Administrator, yielded two files:

20160407 Backup 20160407 1151.sql


This is well beyond our typical support remit, however I have used an alternative method to export your database and transferred it to a new directory on your website called 'db_bob'.


I realise that this may be a silly question, but do we know for a fact that export.php is present and where the Export command expects to find it?

Well it's working for my account. As to where it's located, I don't think that's as straight-forward. I think Hostopia have some funky symlinking or something going on meaning you won't see it in your directory listing.


Any idea when a response from Plusnet’s contractors (your comment here) can be expected? Or in view of export working on your installation is that no longer a line we are following?

I hadn't raised anything to them, however I have now opened a support ticket asking them to look at what's up with your phpMyAdmin instance. I wouldn't hold your breath for a definitive solution/explanation though Undecided

Hopefully the back-up I've provided you with with suffice for the time being.

@spraxyt, very odd. Have you tried reinstalling the app?

Edit: ticket ref: 4141429

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
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