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Can't FTP to ccgi web space; has changed, can't find phpMyAdmin

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Can't FTP to ccgi web space; has changed, can't find phpMyAdmin

Something's changed in few weeks since I last accessed my web space:

* gives a different page, with different tools:

    - phpMyAdmin isn't there. PHP Manager is, but that's a different tool for a different purpose

    - my databases don't show up in the MySqlManager tool

Does anyone know what's going on, and why these things might have stopped working?


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Re: Can't FTP to ccgi web space; has changed, can't find phpMyAdmin

@bobpullen just flagged this post up to us.  There has been a recent change to the interface and it appears to have caused some issues.  Sorry about this!  We're on it.

Kelly Dorset
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Re: Can't FTP to ccgi web space; has changed, can't find phpMyAdmin

Quick update:

There are some tools on the new interface which shouldn't be there and won't work.  This will be tidied up.

@Kiwi2 wrote:

    - phpMyAdmin isn't there. PHP Manager is, but that's a different tool for a different purpose

    - my databases don't show up in the MySqlManager tool

Does anyone know what's going on, and why these things might have stopped working?


The reason you can't see phpMyAdmin is because it is accessed from within the entries in the MySQL Manager tool!   We are looking at why the databases aren't displaying and hope to have an update for this on Monday.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


Kelly Dorset
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Re: Can't FTP to ccgi web space; has changed, can't find phpMyAdmin

Thanks Kelly,

I made the mistake of going into PHPManager and choosing Save (as I thought this might bring phpMyAdmin back). Unfortunately this has broken the php on my websites. Every php file gets a 404 Not Found error. Is there any way of reversing this, or could you let me know how to configure this so that php works again?

I can't see phpMyAdmin inside MySQL Manager, but perhaps that's because the databases are not showing up.



Community Gaffer
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Re: Can't FTP to ccgi web space; has changed, can't find phpMyAdmin

Have a look for hidden .htaccess files in your webspace and try temporarily renaming them. You will probably find one of them is the culprit.

Bob Pullen
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Re: Can't FTP to ccgi web space; has changed, can't find phpMyAdmin

@bobpullen wrote:

Have a look for hidden .htaccess files in your webspace and try temporarily renaming them. You will probably find one of them is the culprit.


@Kiwi2 Did the above help you out?

Kelly Dorset
Ex-Broadband Service Manager
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Re: Can't FTP to ccgi web space; has changed, can't find phpMyAdmin

I have some .htaccess files which I use to redirect certain things, including php. This was working fine until the changes to the Control Panel. Could you let me know how the changes would affect php so that I can make appropriate changes to .htaccess? I don't just want to wholesale remove them.


Separately, I can now see my databases under Databases. However when I click on one I get "Not Authorized to View This Page [CFN #0004]". This happened once in the past and I reset the database password. However I can't see an option to do this in the new Control Panel

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Re: Can't FTP to ccgi web space; has changed, can't find phpMyAdmin

Sorry, re the PHP problem, I should have mentioned again that this occurred when I hot Save on PHPManager, thinking wrongly that this might make MySQLManager reappear. I guess that this saved or overwrote some config somewhere, so it's just this that needs reversing.

Community Gaffer
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Re: Can't FTP to ccgi web space; has changed, can't find phpMyAdmin

@Kiwi2 I have renamed the .htaccess file in your /public directory to '.htaccess.old2' and then uploaded a new copy with the following directives commented out:-

# for PHP-CGI
# AddHandler php-cgi .php
# Action php-cgi /cgi-bin/php-cgi
# for php and securewebexchange
# <IfDefine SSL>
#    AddHandler php-cgi .php
#    Action php-cgi
# </IfDefine>

After a bit of poking about, I can see this has caused some web content to re-appear that wasn't visible before but I don't really know what I'm looking for, so perhaps you can confirm whether or not it's brought things back to life?

Once we've established that your site is working as it should, we would like to try making a change to resolve the database issue if you're comfortable for us to do so?

I'm loathe to do so though, until you've confirmed your site is being served correctly again.

Bob Pullen
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Re: Can't FTP to ccgi web space; has changed, can't find phpMyAdmin

Hi Bob,

Thanks for persisting with this. 

The website and php is working again - mostly. My main site is at, and this now loads properly. The only problem is the domain redirects, which seem not to be working now. My original .htaccess file contents are below:

Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On

DirectoryIndex index.htm

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^alpha\.scriptrehearser\.com
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [P,R=301]

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^beta\.scriptrehearser\.com
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [P,R=301]

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^.*scriptrehearser.*
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [P,R=301]


Unfortunately when I log on to I now get a blank screen (after apparent success with username/password). I also get a login error when I ftp to I've had this before, and just needed to reset the password. Unfortunately without the portal I can't do this myself.


Community Gaffer
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Re: Can't FTP to ccgi web space; has changed, can't find phpMyAdmin

@Kiwi2 apologies, that's my fault. I missed the preceding '.' when uploading a copy of your htaccess file. Should be sorted now. Can you take a look and confirm?

Regarding your Control Panel access, that should be working fine Huh I can login as you via the CRM platform. Perhaps worth trying to clear cache/cookies or try from a private browser window?

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
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Re: Can't FTP to ccgi web space; has changed, can't find phpMyAdmin

Thanks very much Bob. The site is displaying properly now.

The problem with logging in to was fixed by clearing the hosting cookies, as you suggested. And the ftp has started working again too (perhaps a coincidence).

The databases now appear under Databases, so we're nearly there.

The only remaining problem is when I try to Manage a Database, I still get "Not Authorized to View This Page [CFN #0004]". I've used Reset Password, and when I choose Manage Database I can see that correct user id and password in the URL (in plain text and not HTTPS!):[mypasswordher...]

Moderator's note by Mike (Mav): Near duplicate post released from Spam Filter and subsequently removed.
Community Gaffer
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Re: Can't FTP to ccgi web space; has changed, can't find phpMyAdmin

Will see what we can do. Thanks for clarifying.

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
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Re: Can't FTP to ccgi web space; has changed, can't find phpMyAdmin

Hi again Bob.

You've been doing some magic haven't you? I can now access the databases from the Manage Databases screen, and it brings up PhpMyAdmin as it used to do. I'll do some final checks, but it seems like you've sorted it out. 

Thanks for persisting with this Bob, I really appreciate it.

Could you let me know where I could send some feedback to?

Community Gaffer
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Re: Can't FTP to ccgi web space; has changed, can't find phpMyAdmin

I may have waved a wand or two 😉

Everything looking OK then? Assuming it is, then we can look at applying a broader fix so others aren't affected.
Don't  worry about the feedback. Your gratitude is more than enough 🙂

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
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