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CCGI Webspace PHP version

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Registered: ‎30-07-2007

CCGI Webspace PHP version

I tried to change the PHP version using PHP Manager in Control Panel.
Now I get "Not Found [CFN #0005]" when I try to connect.
I can see via Filezilla that all files are intact.
Looking through previous posts, in one from 2017 a staff member provided a fix.
However another post from January suggests it would be a DIY effort.
Can anyone tell me what I need to do to fix this?


Community Gaffer
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Re: CCGI Webspace PHP version

Providing the URL/web address that you're having problems with would help. My first suggestion would be to check for any hidden .htaccess files you might have. Try renaming them temporarily and see if your site springs back to life.

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
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Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: CCGI Webspace PHP version

Hi Bob,

thanks for the quick reply.

I had previously tried changing .htaccess files to .htaccessold but made no difference.

This time I changed to old.htaccess.

Now I get a massive text file beginning "PDOException: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1142 REFERENCES command denied to user 'ccgidbroad379174'@'' for table 'wt_module' in /services/webpages/util/c/c/ccgi.[Removed]"

Looks like a database poblem, but is it due to changing PHP version or a Webtrees issue?

The url is [Removed]



Moderator's note by Mike (Mav): Personal information removed from a public forum (to an area that staff can see).
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Re: CCGI Webspace PHP version

Changing PHP version using PHP manager changes apach2handler to a fastcgi version. The former understands PHP directives in .htaccess but the latter doesn’t. .php.ini has to be used instead. Some 3 years ago I’d have known how to use this but now don’t. So any advice from me is very dated and I’m stuck.
Sorry that doesn’t provide much help but best I can do now
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Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: CCGI Webspace PHP version

Thanks spraxyt it's given me something to look for.

Sorry for the delayed reply I've been reading up on php.ini.

I found there's a text editor in Control Panel that will create a php.ini but it's not as simple as copying text from .htaccess file.

The offending .htaccess file contains the following text:-

# Fix date error problem
php_value date.timezone 'Europe/London'
php_value display_errors 1
php_value error_reporting 32767
# for PHP-CGI
AddHandler php-cgi .php
Action php-cgi /cgi-bin/php-cgi

# for php and securewebexchange
<IfDefine SSL>
AddHandler php-cgi .php
Action php-cgi


This was given to me many years ago and like spraxyt I can't remember the details.

Can anyone rewrite this for use in a php.ini file?




Community Gaffer
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Re: CCGI Webspace PHP version

This might offer a clue...

REFERENCES command denied to user...

It seems the script requires that the database user has REFERENCES priviledges and I'm not cetain that's available in the hosting environment:-


Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
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Re: CCGI Webspace PHP version

@bobpullen Clearly this is beyond my remit to deal with but reverting to default apache2handler would be the way I’d go. But PHP Manager appears no longer to offer that option. I’ve no idea why Hostopia have done this but can you get this user reverted if he requests it?
I feel changing PHP version using PHP Manager is not helpful in our hosting environment, but have nothing to prove that.
Posts: 23
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Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: CCGI Webspace PHP version

Thanks guys, I would be happy with a reset if its possible.



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Re: CCGI Webspace PHP version

Not sure if this is relevant to an old installation but seems worth a mention. This used standard PHP.
Community Gaffer
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Re: CCGI Webspace PHP version

I'm not sure I understand how that would help, but granted this isn't my area of expertise.

Unless I'm mistaken, there aren't any .htaccess files (renamed or otherwise) that are contributing to what's currently being seen.

PHP executes on the customer's webspace, there's just something with this webtrees installation that isn't playing ball.

Wouldn't we still have the priviledges issue irresepctive of PHP handler?

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
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Re: CCGI Webspace PHP version


That's the post that led me here. In it you ask if PHP Manager was used to change anything.

In my case the answer is yes.

If reverting means going back to standard PHP then try it, even if it means I have to re-instal Webtrees.



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Re: CCGI Webspace PHP version

Whereas a rogue .htaccess entry has been the cause of these weird errors in this case I think hosting now being on PHP 7.1 might make WordPress 5.x mandatory. I’ve no idea how to update our existing WordPress 4.x sites to a 5.x version. I think working from standard PHP and apache is the best approach but can’t quantify how to do this. But undoing the PHP-cgi change would be the first step.
I think Plusnet background support would be needed to achieve this. But it’s beyond my out of date skills. So stuck.
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Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: CCGI Webspace PHP version

@bobpullen I've discussed this with a Webtrees developer.

He agrees its a REFERENCES permission problem and suggests someone needs to grant permission.

e.g. by running this command.

GRANT REFERENCES ON < database name>.* TO <username>;

However I must have had this permission before the PHP change.

Could it be contained in the .htaccess file I renamed?




Posts: 23
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Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: CCGI Webspace PHP version

@bobpullen and @spraxyt 

More info from Webtrees guy.

Please ignore comment about previous permission and .htaccess.

I didn't tell you I also updated webtrees from version 1.7 to 2.0.

It turns out vesion 1.7 did not use REFERENCES but version 2.0 does.

If I can't get permission for version 2.0 I'll revert to version 1.7.



Community Gaffer
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Re: CCGI Webspace PHP version

@spark43, I've asked the question of our hosting partner (ref: 5167292).

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
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