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New Opt In/Out Options

Aspiring Pro
Posts: 706
Registered: ‎19-04-2007

New Opt In/Out Options

Morning folks,
You may have seen my recent blog post regarding new opt in/out options.
We are looking at expanding the options that you have regarding which email communications that you receive from us and would like to see what te most popular options would be.
As well as the list above there will also be a customer information choice which  must be selected. This will include information regarding changes to your product or T's and C's and billing info.
Resting Legend
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Re: New Opt In/Out Options

As a regular user of the forums I would expect to see virtually all of the above without needing to receive an email.
But there isn't an option for none of the above - can that be added
Aspiring Pro
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Registered: ‎19-04-2007

Re: New Opt In/Out Options

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Re: New Opt In/Out Options

Does anyone else have feedback on this? We'd like as many comments as possible while we continue to look at this area.
Former Plusnet Staff member. Posts after 31st Jan 2020 are not on behalf of Plusnet.
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Re: New Opt In/Out Options

I think this is a great idea - but then - I said that last week 🙂
Good news for customers, I think.  Allowing better management of email communications from PlusNet will hopefully mean that customers can opt to receive Newsletters, for example, but not other marketing mailouts.
One comment I would have, though, is that each section needs to be *very* clearly defined.  There should be minimal room for confusion as to what 'category' an email falls into.
Resting Legend
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Re: New Opt In/Out Options

Can this thread be made a little more obvious - perhaps moved to Announcements where it wouldn't move rapidly down the page or made into a sticky temporarily.
I think this is one of the reasons for the lack of responses.
Rising Star
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Re: New Opt In/Out Options

Like oldjim I get most of the info from the forums so would not be inclined to ‘subscribe’ to any of the mails. I do get the newsletter as a matter of course and that could stay but all the rest could be solved by appearing as either links or messages on the forum home page then users could access them as required.
Just my 2p’s worth, regards, P.
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Re: New Opt In/Out Options

Like Oldjim and Pendragon say - regulars here will probably have little use for most of these - you really need to be asking those that don't visit the forum. How about asking those that are all ready signed up to email information what they think.
Posts: 381
Registered: ‎06-04-2007

Re: New Opt In/Out Options

Agree with both of the preceding. I have to say I regard virtually all of the above as little more than spam. I go to the website if I need information, and a browse through this forum (as with its predecessor) usually lets me know the lie of the land if I have a service-related issue.
I have no idea what the take-up percentage on sales-based mailshots might be. I often wonder if they justify the effort and expenditure involved in their generation, especially as they are targeting a "captive" population who are, by definition, already bought-in, in this instance. Perhaps the bandwidth they consume might be better utilised.... (though I confess that virtually all of the gripes I used to have about PN dissappeared following the takeover).
Posts: 314
Registered: ‎09-06-2007

Re: New Opt In/Out Options

Quote from: passer
I have to say I regard virtually all of the above as little more than spam. I go to the website if I need information, and a browse through this forum (as with its predecessor) usually lets me know the lie of the land if I have a service-related issue.

I couldn't agree more.  I heartily dislike "newsletters", "updates", and other excuses to spam customers - "special offers" and third-party "offers" being the worst of the lot.
To a man (or any other gender for that matter) all my customers check the "don't spam me" checkbox as soon as they find it, indicating how unpopular this sort of emailing has become.
Now, I fully appreciate that PN wish to keep it's customers updated with the latest developments, but feel that it should be confined simply to a newsletter - a real one, not a thinly disguised attempt to sell.  Anything other than that will simply devalue any communications from PN and encourage more customers to stop all email reception from PN - not a good idea.
This is purely a personal opinion, but please tread carefully, people - there's a very fine line drawn between keeping customers in the picture and marketing at them thus p*ssing them off.
Resting Legend
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Re: New Opt In/Out Options

Nevertheless it's surprising how many seem to complain of never being told about something, despite PN trying everything other than a personal knock on the door - but even then they'd be out.  Roll_eyes
Rising Star
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Registered: ‎24-06-2007

Re: New Opt In/Out Options

Since there was a plea earlier for comments, here are mine...
Even though I'm a fairly regular forum reader (and sporadic poster...) I think it's useful to be able to choose what kind of communications to receive from PlusNet.
I find the (monthly?) newsletter a useful way of keeping up to speed with what's going on at PlusNet.  I might be interested in special offers from PN - but I'm not keen on third party/partner offers.  So I've voted accordingly in the poll.
I agree that one has to be told of any specific changes in the Ts&Cs of the products(s) one is already paying for;  but as someone commented in another thread on this theme, I don't need to be told every month that I'm about to have my Direct Debit payment taken...
Posts: 424
Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: New Opt In/Out Options

I agree that it should also just a newsletter and nothing else.
There's still a gap between the info users of PN forums get compared to all other non-forum PN users and this gap needs making smaller.
The opt in -opt out does need looking at as the current version doesn't work as despite opting out of PN email I still receive it.
Community Gaffer
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Re: New Opt In/Out Options

The opt in -opt out does need looking at as the current version doesn't work as despite opting out of PN email I still receive it.

Emails regarding changes to your service would be sent to those who have opted out as well as those who have opted in.

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
If I've been helpful then please give thanks ⤵

Posts: 20
Registered: ‎21-06-2007

Re: New Opt In/Out Options

Actually, promotional emails of any kind from any supplier drive me nuts and tend to get deleted.
Unfortunately, so do more important emails about, say, changes of terms etc. 
I would like to see only vital information in my inbox and only things like service news when I log in. When I log in to ,say,  check my connection I really don't want to be advertised at. Leave that for your front page.
Perhaps a redesign of the page you reach once you have logged in that includes really useful information like service status, company to client news, even useful posts from this site, and less trying to get me to upgrade.
Talking of which, will you STOP telling me to upgrade - I have nowhere to upgrade to! A bit of intelligent banner placement chaps, please!