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New Customer - Service not what I expected

Posts: 8
Registered: ‎06-04-2008

New Customer - Service not what I expected

Well, I'm a new customer and starting to really regret moving Sad
Ever since the switch to Plus Net my connection is dropping from the router at random intervals, for two days nothing and now today its like every 2 hours,  my maxg router reports PPP down, the web light goes out, and a soft reboot is required of the router before it starts again.
I've checked the configuration a couple of times, all is well, the hardware/software I've been using is working flawlessly and has been for the last year so it would have to be some amazing coincidence that is has developed a fault on the same day I switched.
Anyone else having issues ? - just poor old me..... I need to check whether I'm locked in I guess and go back where I came from and just keep paying the premuim for faultless service.
Rising Star
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Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: New Customer - Service not what I expected

Before you decide to jump.
When you came to PN did you migrate or have bb installed for the 1st time?
Who was your previous bb supplier?
Were you on a bt line or had your previous connection been via LLU Local Loop Unbundling?
If this is you're 1st BB connection then you need to be aware that all connections no matter who the supplier is will be up and down like a yo-yo until the exchange, not PN, can fathom out the reliability of your phone line.
If you were with the like of Bulldog, Tiscalli, Pipex, Sky etc then it's possible that your previous bb line was unbundled and you're now back on a bt controled line.
PN one have of the best support systems I've come across which is why I use and recommend them. The forums are monitored by PN staff there are not many companies that have that, those that do in my experience were never really there.
My advise is to stick with it until the 10 day settling period is over. Alos check your wiring.
Also did the switch happen ahead of time. If so did you contact PN to have them activate your account properly on the system. My account was due to go live on a Friday but was changed over on the Wed I had hassle connecting until I contacted PN and informed them of the early activation.
Posts: 8
Registered: ‎06-04-2008

Re: New Customer - Service not what I expected

Thanks for the response
I migrated from Zen, not LLU unbundled AFAIK
I have re-checked everything and just done a firmware upgrade on the router for good measure, we'll see how it goes, I've obviously logged a call as well last week but thus far all I get is requests to run through the checker, which I've now done twice.
I'm now seriously concerned because we've switched our voice as well which should be done in a few weeks and getting that very horrid feeling that my worst fears are being realized Sad
The service was switched on the 31st
Posts: 19,757
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Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: New Customer - Service not what I expected

Have you been asked to do any checks yet, Wait until tomorrow there are even more staff looking at the forum plus a lot of knowledgeable members who can hold your hand through the checks (there are a few here today)
Posts: 8
Registered: ‎06-04-2008

Re: New Customer - Service not what I expected

Thanks, though it's doubtful I need my hand holding ;), I have run the automated checks (twice now)
Just dropped again so not a firmware issue with the router, though the error has now changed to "ADSL Link Down"
Does anyone know of a good monitoring package for a router so I can graph out the performance and dropouts ?
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Posts: 10,540
Registered: ‎18-07-2007

Re: New Customer - Service not what I expected

Hi Aliktren,
I can see you 've raised a fault to us - it dropped into the automated pool an hour ago and is currently awaiting the results of the initial woosh test from BT. As soon as that's done it'll end up in the intermittent pool and will be picked up by a fault agent this afternoon.
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Registered: ‎02-02-2008

Re: New Customer - Service not what I expected

It sounds very strange. Zen are a smallish company like PlusNet, though independent as far as I know.
So switching across should just be a software configuration change for authentication (and routing) by BT; the physical line characteristics should be untouched and unchanged.
Did you choose a package with different characteristics, e.g. (up to) 8Mb as opposed to 2Mb fixed? Or use a different router?
Posts: 8
Registered: ‎06-04-2008

Re: New Customer - Service not what I expected

nope, not that I'm aware of anyway, basically should be same service smaller price, same hardware, quite simply not changed a thing at this end other than the config on the router to get a connection, and I used the settings I was emailed... it's a puzzler all right
Sorry to be a pest but I raised the fault on the first day I had the connection I think and nothing has happened since, but hopefully you can prod someone to check

Posts: 3,291
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Registered: ‎10-08-2007

Re: New Customer - Service not what I expected

Quote from: Aliktren
Does anyone know of a good monitoring package for a router so I can graph out the performance and dropouts ?

Check this out Router stats It works very well
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Posts: 10,540
Registered: ‎18-07-2007

Re: New Customer - Service not what I expected

Actually you raised a generic ticket a week ago, which was replied to the same day with a link to the faults wizard. You didn't raise the fault via the wizard until half past 3 this afternoon.
I'll get a member or the faults team to have a look at it for you.
Posts: 8
Registered: ‎06-04-2008

Re: New Customer - Service not what I expected

lol, connection fell over as I clicked the link, thanks, I'll give it a whirl
Posts: 1,503
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Registered: ‎05-04-2007

Re: New Customer - Service not what I expected

The latest drop in your connection may well have been a test I have been performing to see if we can track down the cause of the issues you are having.
That's the problem with intrusive tests, they tend to be, shall we say, intrusive, and disconnect you Wink
My findings from this are "No fault found". Though "fault" means something obvious and quickly fixable.
All elements of the line read normal, after running through the barrage of checks that can be done. The only thing I did spot was a number of downstream errored seconds.
This is time when the service should have been operational, but wasn't, due to errors encountered. The value on your line is low, but above average, so may be why you are seeing what you are seeing.
Further inspection does however show you are within your first 10 days of service after migration. This means your line is susceptible to instability, which should slowly improve throughout that period (each abrupt disconnection helps adjust it).
On review here, we would be looking to ensure the 10 days are over before proceeding with a fault report to our suppliers. Not just will our suppliers not do anything about this type of issue within that time, but more often than not, the 10 days run will resolve these problems.
If after the 10 days, then yes, we can proceed with a report to our suppliers on the basis of an intermittent connection. Given the results of the testing I have performed so far though, there is a high chance that they will find not fault in their own diagnostics, thus resulting in the option for an engineer.
Given that the errors in the results I have can be internal problems as much as they can be external, I would recommend the following, preferably at the same time.
Try an alternate modem
Try the modem from the test socket from your master socket ([link] to picture)
Try with an alternate filter
Posts: 8
Registered: ‎06-04-2008

Re: New Customer - Service not what I expected

Great, thanks for the detailed response, I'll just wait and see then  Undecided
Posts: 8
Registered: ‎06-04-2008

Re: New Customer - Service not what I expected

Snapshot of my adsl stats if that helps
Mode:  G.DMT
Type: Interleave
Line coding: Trellis On
Status: No Defect
Link power state: L0

  Downstream Upstream
SNR margin (dB): 6.4  22.0
Attenuation (dB): 42.0  22.0
Output power (dBm): 19.7  12.1
Attainable rate (Kbps): 6752  1124
Rate (Kbps): 6208  448
K (number of bytes in DMT frame): 195  15
R (number of check bytes in RS code word): 16  16
S (RS code word size in DMT frame): 1  8
D (interleaver depth): 0  0
Delay (msec): 0  0

Super Frames: 48025  48023
Super Frame Errors: 2  0
RS Words: 3265730  408195
RS Correctable Errors: 39216  0
RS Uncorrectable Errors: 19  N/A

HEC Errors: 2  0
OCD Errors: 0  0
LCD Errors: 0  0
Total Cells: 11954173  0
Data Cells: 33963  0
Bit Errors: 0  0

Total ES: 1  0
Total SES: 0  0
Total UAS: 13  0
Posts: 1,503
Thanks: 1
Registered: ‎05-04-2007

Re: New Customer - Service not what I expected

Based on the statistics your router has provided, I would personally recommend applying interleaving error correction to your line.
We can do this if you wish?