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Seasoned Pro
Posts: 3,306
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Registered: ‎01-06-2010


My new netgear dgnd3700 had the most stable of very low snr of 0.5 for nearly 13 days without any loss of sync or connection so far. Quite happy with 17 Meg. I just glad to have this new router as the wi-fi is excellent too with no drop out for nearly 13 days.
I can see only few CRC errors on the line which it good too. Smiley
Posts: 881
Thanks: 3
Registered: ‎14-08-2009

Re: Low SNR

Is that with you pushing down the target SNR with one of the "adjustment tools"?
The lowest target is normally 3dB on 21CN
What time is the snapshot of the routerstats taken? I'd suspect it's a late evening figure when the margin will be at its lowest, if so whats the daytime figure?
I can't see if that IS a daytime figure how it stays in sync overnight when the margin will get both more variable and worse overall.
I'm surprised on a 30dB length'd line that you can get down to 0.5 margin at anytime and still maintain stability. I'd have thought such a length of line would have more errors on it and it would have re-sync'd by now.  Interesting  - One learns every day.

Seasoned Pro
Posts: 3,306
Thanks: 206
Fixes: 12
Registered: ‎01-06-2010

Re: Low SNR

all day 0.5dB and evening is 0.3dB and it was tweak snr from the router as my default snr is 3.0dB set by BT. see the latest snapshot below:
Posts: 881
Thanks: 3
Registered: ‎14-08-2009

Re: Low SNR

Well indeed.  A line whose margin only varies by 0.2dB from day peak to night minimum
Yes, I can see how you can managed to tweak it down
This also ties in with having very few errors.
Must be a very good line indeed.