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Line sync jump

Posts: 1
Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Line sync jump

The broadband I use is fine but I wonder if BT set the line sync speed in too bigger jump as my sync speed  jumps from 4500 too 4000kbps and not to say 4250 say. Is it something to do with the filters Im using? If so Ill replace them.

Follow up;-    Talked to plusnet today they say there equipment is only set up to ajust the sync rate in increments of 500kbps at present. They say they will have to start looking to alter this soon. BT are looking at a blip logic thing that alters the speed almost immediately after a minor blip that will mean better speeds most of the time without the 3 day lower speeds that you get at the moment.
Posts: 119
Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: Line sync jump

Maxthon for me. Uses the IE core so quite stable. More stable than IE7 lol...has all the add ons, mouse gestures I cant live without. Cant understand why MS didnt buy these guys out. Google looks like it will be grabbing them.
Plusnet Help Team
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Re: Line sync jump

The sync speed should be able to increase/decrease in increments of 32kbps, if it's doing it in bigger amounts then it might just depend on when it resyncs or some other factor. For example, because of things like street lights a resync in the eveninig will often be at a lower rate than a morning so may be worth looking for a pattern like that.
Swapping the filters and checking all the wiring may help but if it's just because  there's more "noise" at certain times of the day or it's something external it may not make much difference, or, as some people find, replacing the filters with an ADSL faceplate may (or may not help).
Dave Tomlinson
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Re: Line sync jump

Quote from: matseat
The broadband I use is fine but … my sync speed  (takes a large) jump from 4500 to 4000kbps and not to say 4250 say. Is it something to do with the filters I'm using?

I doubt there is anything wrong with your microfilters.  I think the numbers you mention as "sync speeds" are, in fact, "throughput speeds" which are based on sync speed.  Sync speeds are a multiple of 32 and whereas 4000 fits that constraint 4500 doesn't.
Did the numbers you mentioned come from clicking the "High-speed Broadband" icon within "Connection Settings"?  The value shown there is throughput speed.  Sync speed is shown in your modem/router stats obtained from its web interface.
A table showing the relationship between sync speeds and throughput speeds can be seen by clicking the first red link on the "throughput speed" page.  You will see that does show a jump between 4000 and 4500kbps depending on the range into which your sync speed falls.  As you suggested this is how BT designed Max ADSL.
The rest of that article may be of interest as a description of how Max ADSL works.