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Faulty micro filter caused Sync speed to drop

Posts: 247
Registered: ‎06-09-2007

Re: Faulty micro filter caused Sync speed to drop

If you're saying that increasing my download speed is all about PN responding to BT's notification, that still doesn't explain why everything drops instantly at the fault, but it's only after PN receives notification from BT, and PN's system rolls round at some point that it goes up again? Surely someone isn't manually having to flip a switch at PN?
I accept that for some reason it takes BT several days to alter the profile once the line is stable, even though it's obviously done by computer, and that PN have no control over when this happens, but once the profile has changed, it makes no sense for PN's system not to recognise it immediately and allow maximum throughput again. It seems these things are just arbitrary. As if it's just been decided that this is how long it will take rather than it having to take this long due to technical reasons. Reminds me of transferring money electronically - you know it goes through within seconds, yet the banks' "system" makes you wait several days before the money is available, thus ensuring they can use all this extra money (which is what a bank does), and don't need to pay interest on it either.
I'm not suggesting it takes PN this long (it was somewhere between 6 and 14 hours from when I last checked BT's figure) as it's back this morning.
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Re: Faulty micro filter caused Sync speed to drop

Quote from: esseff
If you're saying that increasing my download speed is all about PN responding to BT's notification, that still doesn't explain why everything drops instantly at the fault, but it's only after PN receives notification from BT, and PN's system rolls round at some point that it goes up again?

It does explain it!!
BT will lower their profile instantly there is a fault (in your case to 1500).  This will throttle your speed to a maximum of 1500 regardless of PN's profile (which will catch up after a delay). 
When your profile goes back up on the BT side it can take PN up to about 12 hours to catch up (IIRC it's updated twice a day).
Both profiles need to be the same in order for you to get the correct transfer rate.  You will get a transfer rate of the slower of the two if they're out of sync!
Posts: 247
Registered: ‎06-09-2007

Re: Faulty micro filter caused Sync speed to drop

Got it - cheers  Smiley
Posts: 21,036
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Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: Faulty micro filter caused Sync speed to drop

Hi Esseff,
Was interleaving removed for you?
Posts: 247
Registered: ‎06-09-2007

Re: Faulty micro filter caused Sync speed to drop

No it wasn't James.
I'm currently syncing at 7168 - I assume that's because my SNR is still a little high due to recent events. Will removing interleaving before BT lowers my SNR help with my sync rate and therefore increase my download speed, or will the higher SNR and interleaving off introduce excessive errors? Would it be best to wait until I'm getting the highest sync rate I can before turning it off? Out of interest, do many people ask to have interleaving turned back on once it's been turned off?
Posts: 21,036
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Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: Faulty micro filter caused Sync speed to drop

There's a fair number with interleaving turned off.
To be honest, it could cause a slight increase in sync speeds, but it could also see an increase in errors.
Posts: 247
Registered: ‎06-09-2007

Re: Faulty micro filter caused Sync speed to drop

James, do many people ask to have interleaving turned back on once it's been turned off?
Would you advise my waiting until my SNR has been reduced before doing so?
I understand the meaning behind an increase in errors, but in a practical sense, if I were to see such an increase, does that mean, for example, a downloaded file may need to be downloaded more than once as an error causes that file to arrive corrupted?
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Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: Faulty micro filter caused Sync speed to drop

No - nothing like that.  A substantial nuimber of errors, could cause a connection to drop.
Out of the people I've removed interleaving for, there aren't that many that ask to have it turned back on again.  Ultimately, I can get it turned back on within a day if it causes any issues.
I don't think that waiting for a further drop in SNR is going to achieve anything much.
Posts: 247
Registered: ‎06-09-2007

Re: Faulty micro filter caused Sync speed to drop

Thank you for explaining that James.
As it's not a problem getting it turned back on again, I think I'd like to see the difference having interleaving turned off makes.
So if you would please go ahead.
Posts: 21,036
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Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: Faulty micro filter caused Sync speed to drop

Hi Simon,
No worries, it'll complete tomorrow.
Posts: 247
Registered: ‎06-09-2007

Re: Faulty micro filter caused Sync speed to drop

Thanks for that James - latency now on Fast and so far no issues.
Just one thing though.
<a href=""><img src="" border="0" /></a>
Test taken 20 minutes ago. My SNR fluctuates between 11.9 & 15.1 and my line attenuation is a stable 13.6. Before the filter failure my profile was 6500 and Latency interleaved. I've now replaced the filter with a Pro XF-1e. Yet I now have a 6000 profile and my throughput is only 5227 as you can see. I don't understand why I'm not back at 6500 at least. Surely my line can take a higher profile.
Posts: 21,036
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Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: Faulty micro filter caused Sync speed to drop

Posts: 247
Registered: ‎06-09-2007

Re: Faulty micro filter caused Sync speed to drop

I see.
Assuming I go back to my former rate (is an update every 3 days or so?), there appears to be no real advantage in my having changed latency so far, unless I can get to 7968. Can I still expect a further increase in connection rate or do you think 7392 is it for me?
Posts: 21,036
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Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: Faulty micro filter caused Sync speed to drop

Remember, latency doesn't mean speed.
Posts: 247
Registered: ‎06-09-2007

Re: Faulty micro filter caused Sync speed to drop

When you say probably, do you mean I can probably expect a further increase, or I'm probably where I'm going to stay?
I understand latency doesn't mean speed, but not being interleaved should allow my sync rate to reach the highest it can go - right?