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Can someone please explain log error messages.

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Can someone please explain log error messages.

I've got a fault open with plus nets support, and they have provided me with a connection stats. can someone explain some of the messages.
Subscription Access Rack Last Event Event Time Message IP Assigned Service Calling From Session Started Session Ended Session Duration
FOL BBYW active 17:15 24/Jun/2009 unknown (Interim update) Not set   21:29 23/Jun/2009 N/A   19:57:25 (on going)
FOL BBYW ended 21:28 23/Jun/2009 unknown (User request) Not set   19:51 23/Jun/2009 21:28 23/Jun/2009   1:37:28
FOL BBYW ended 19:50 23/Jun/2009 unknown (User request) unknown unknown 08:41 23/Jun/2009 19:50 23/Jun/2009   11:9:38
FOL BBYW ended 08:40 23/Jun/2009 unknown (Administrative reset) Not set   22:03 22/Jun/2009 08:40 23/Jun/2009   10:37:18
FOL BBYW ended 22:03 22/Jun/2009 unknown (User request) Not set   19:07 22/Jun/2009 22:03 22/Jun/2009   2:55:37
I'm interested in the diffence between.
User request and Administrative reset.
Many  thanks
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Re: Can someone please explain log error messages.

I *think* that user request is just a drop in sync, whereas I believe administrative reset is the router requesting the connection to be dropped.
I might be wrong though and personally don't usually pay much attention to the RADIUS log messages, just the actual drops themselves.
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Re: Can someone please explain log error messages.

Personally I think you should have a better understanding of the error messages. If you tell your customers (me) that you are getting line drop outs you should be able to tell them (me) what caused the drop out.
I was told my line is dropping out and then 17 unrelated questions to answer, when actually I was re synce the router.
Dear me what a mess..
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Re: Can someone please explain log error messages.

I think you're misinterpreting what I've told you.
The logs that you are quoting show 4 drops in your connection over a 24 hour period (ie: not 1).
If you can tell me what (definitely) causes a line to disconnect then I will happily chew off my arm.  Being able to interpret RADIUS reporting logs (which generally doesn't tell you anything of use) does not detract from my ability to diagnose a dropping connection fault.
The 17 questions are those asked by BT when we report a dropping connection fault.
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Re: Can someone please explain log error messages.

"I think" and "I believe "
Sorry but I was expecting IT IS
FYI, the User Request was me using DMT to rsync the line, as to the Administrative reset I don't know, no one using the system.
One thing I have noticed is with your support, when someone new responds to a fault, they don't appear to have read everything you have entered prior to them looking at it.
I had nothing but greif with my phone line since 20th May, noise on the line which the test systems can't diagnose; was given a new pair to exchange to resolve that issue. Now my NR appears to be locked at 15db and all I get is some copy and pasting error messages with no explanation and 17 usless questions. All I wanted was for someone to reset my port and let the router re sync
See ID: 29182231 - this how I logged the call.
See Home Phone | ID: 28872713
since my phone line fault I have suffered poor speeds.
Currently these are my router stats,
ADSL Link Downstream Upstream
Connection Speed 2048 kbps 448 kbps
Line Attenuation 55.0 db 29.0 db
Noise Margin 15.4 db 20.0 db
been like this for a while now.
before the line fault I would get between 6 and 9 noise margin, now I'm stuck on 15bd.
Can you please arrange for my ip profile to be cleared down so my linespeed returns to my norm.

I been here before with this problem see ID: 24963494
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Re: Can someone please explain log error messages.

When you look at the actual timings, those which are "user request" have about a 1.min interval between the end of the previous session and the start of the next. This suggests a reboot/resync of the modem/router. Whether the log is able to distinguish between a drop in sync and a user forced reboot, I don't know as I've not seen logs where these different events have occurred.
The one that is "administrative reset" has no time gap between end of session and start of next, but there was a change of IP address. This suggests that the ppp session (not sync) was terminated, somewhere between the exchange and PN, either down to BT, or perhaps PN or the user forcing a Gateway change (the latter by using the disconnect button on the modem/router interface).
Now if I've understood this right, those logs (RADIUS or not) do not definitively show drops in sync, only a drop of session. I've seen other logs where PN have said loss of sync and compared to user logs where there is no change in sync speed etc. or loss of sync, it can only be ppp session dropped.
James, I know you have an extremely good knowledge of most things, but you ought to be able to confirm this by speaking to one of your knowledgeable experts.
With regard to Dan's last comment, his line's been repaired, he seems to be simply requesting that his Target SNRM is reset.
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Re: Can someone please explain log error messages.

Quote from: Anotherone
he seems to be simply requesting that his Target SNRM is reset.

Yes, this is what I want.
Thanks for your reply, very helpful
A question:-
This suggests a reboot/resync of the modem/router

Would this mean PN support are incorrectly diagnosing dropped connections or is this just a theory of yours?
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Re: Can someone please explain log error messages.

I've raised a fault to BT requesting that the noise margin on youer line is lowered.
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Re: Can someone please explain log error messages.

Thanks for that, however I already have a call raised for this issue  ID: 29182231
The last update said "We have asked our wholesale broadband suppliers to turn interleaving on on your phone line to try and fix your current broadband problem"
Will this activity clash with what you have arranged?
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Re: Can someone please explain log error messages.

If you do gaming then you want low ping times, so you do not want interleaving on. This has no effect on the Target SNRM. So if you are a gamer you should respond to the ticket to tell them to cancel turning interleaving on, you want it off as you are a gamer.
I was hoping that my theorising would provoke James to getting the definitive answer. Even this document does not answer your initial question
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Re: Can someone please explain log error messages.

Chris - Those messages are from our radius server, not BT's.
Dan - I've replied to your email.  Turning on interleaving isn't going to change your target SNR.
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Re: Can someone please explain log error messages.

Sorry to bother you,  the fault you raised is going now where. I have asked them to speak to you with regrarding this fault. I have also linked this thread to the fault.
Apperanlty I have a unstable line and the've pasted the same errors I posted on this thread on the call you raised  ???.
Hope you can move things on.
Another question; what does this tell me?
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Re: Can someone please explain log error messages.

Hi Dan,
There are three different "service options" on ADSL and ADSL2+ (IPStream Max & Wholesale Broadband Connect).  They're called Standard, Stable and Super-Stable.
That message suggests that because you have an enforced target SNR (which I'll pick up on after writing this message), the DLM (Dynamic Line Management) is unable to automatically apply the service option in its normal manner.  It's basically because the way that your noise margin is being applied, means that it is bypassing the DLM rather than letting it work in its normal fashion.
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Re: Can someone please explain log error messages.

Since the 29th the target SN has only been lowered to 12db. I would have hoped to be at 9db by now.
It's a if PN have lost interest in getting this issue resolved.
I am not impressed. Should not have to use this forum to get things resolved.
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Re: Can someone please explain log error messages.

Dan - I've just got off the phone with BT.
They've made the requested change and ask that you monitor for the next 24 hours.