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Absolute Disgrace...

Posts: 6
Registered: ‎19-05-2019

Absolute Disgrace...

We have had no service or a shockingly unreliable service for over a week now. I am writing this with the last drop of 4g in my phone. I have been calling and talking to Plusnet since last Friday (10/05) and I have now given up with the call centre option. I am stunned at how the issue has been handled.... Or not handled and I am writing this as a last step... Desperation... Before I leave this awful company. I can only hope someone with some kind of responsibility will read it and take steps to remedy the issue. I will be doing an SAR request and I will be going through the internal complaints procedure before, I guess, I have to go the Ombudsman/regulator whatever. If you read this, thank you.

First noticed the service was properly knackered when I returned from work on the Friday. Stressed partner (a part time online seller). I did the internal things that I could and ended up calling them up at 21.30ish. A ticker was raised and I was told I'd be called in the morning.
Called again Saturday afternoon to be told the person I'd spoke to had put the ticket in their personal box to be worked... But they were offline. Not in? Another ticket raised. Told a problem had been identified and a request went through to open reach to test. Another router sent out and an engineer booked for Tuesday. So far so good and helpful people on phones..but I now have no faith as I know how call centres work.
Engineer on the Tuesday as promised. They spent a good two hours doing what was needed. Up the road at the box, in the road outside. Found that the mass of wires in road had water in them. The router came whilst the engineer was here and he installed it and tested it. And it worked. For approx. 2 hours.
Called plusnet again at 20.00 on that Tuesday night. More tests. More soothing words. More resets, etc.
Told the circuit was not in sync and they'd have to reject the engineers report. Or words to this effect. Told another engineer would be needed. Already took half day leave (no pay) from work and partner now had to take half day for engineer to come on the Wednesday. Told I'd receive a further call on the Wednesday night to ensure all had gone correctly.
No engineer. No missed call. A text at 16.00 to state that a submission had been made for an SNR margin for connection... Please reboot and monitor and get in touch after 3 days.... What?! OK...
Another lost half day (without pay) and still no service. Called again on Wednesday (15/05)... Another hour or so call. More tests. More apologies. Raised to a faults team. Told them my working hours for that day and told I'd get a call at approx 20.40 when home.
Called at 15.30. Missed it as at work. Saw on lunch. Called on lunch. No notes on system. More apologies. Told I'd be called as promised. No call.
Email re old ticket number. Advising about me having a new router.... Please call if problem not fixed.
Called again on Thursday night. More apologies. No notes on system. Told the faults team shut at 20.30 so was never going to receive a call when I was promised.
Frustrations growing now. Always nice to call centre staff. Managers callback scheduled for 18.00 on Friday.
No call on Friday.
Email sent at 02.50 on the Friday morning talking about turning interleaving on. Ehh? Am I an expert in broadband?
So... Here we are. We had Internet on Friday night. Not happy but OK it is working finally... And then constant drop outs ever since.
This whole thing has been an absolute shambles. Award winning customer service... We'll do you proud... Absolute joke. Still no reliable Internet. Cannot do anything. I am looking at the flashing light as I write this now. What do I do? Keep doing tests? Ring the pointless call centre again?
Is anyone within Plusnet reading this? If so contact me please and tell me how we proceed. I do not want to leave but you have left me.
Bought a new microfilter on the second day... Money out my pocket. 4g has been rinsed on two phones. Two half days taken = one days pay. Paying for a service you are not providing and don't seem to be bothered about fixing. Platitudes and downright lies on the phone. No records of discussions. Promised callbacks not made. Absolute Disgrace.
Thanks for reading. We'll be off then yeah?!
Plusnet Help Team
Plusnet Help Team
Posts: 1,931
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Registered: ‎22-01-2018

Re: Absolute Disgrace...

Hello there,


I am deeply saddened to hear of the experience you have had with us, I can assure you this is not the level of service we aim to provide and it is certainly not in keeping with our values. We certainly do not want our customers to feel this way and we do take all reported issues seriously. I am sorry this was evident in the journey you have had and would be happy to take ownership of the issue so that we can get your connection to where we would expect it to be.


I have responded to your private message on Facebook and once I have reviewed the account, I will get back to you here.



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 Sammy M - Sheffield Team
 Plusnet Help Team
Posts: 6
Registered: ‎19-05-2019

Re: Absolute Disgrace...

Thank you for the reply Sammy. Yes, please review my account. Listen to the calls and see how poor the whole experience has been. If I don't reply in here it is because I have ran out of data on my phone. Pretty ironic that I'm fixing my Internet on the Internet....

You have my number. If I don't pick up please leave me a message with a direct line to get back to you.
Plusnet Help Team
Plusnet Help Team
Posts: 1,931
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Registered: ‎22-01-2018

Re: Absolute Disgrace...

Thanks for your time on the phone today @ruralsmith.  I have moved your fault ticket with me so that I can take full ownership of this for you. I will call you tomorrow between 17:45 and 18:00 to discuss what actions we need to take to get this resolved.



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 Sammy M - Sheffield Team
 Plusnet Help Team
Posts: 6
Registered: ‎19-05-2019

Re: Absolute Disgrace...

Thanks Sammy.... Let down again by Plusnet. Its now 19.08 and no call. Waited in from 17.30 to 19.00 for a call promised at 17.45 to 18.00.

Please don't make promises you cannot keep.

I can only hope some truly exceptional circumstance stopped you from your fine words (more lies? More platitudes?) above.
Plusnet Help Team
Plusnet Help Team
Posts: 1,931
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Registered: ‎22-01-2018

Re: Absolute Disgrace...

Hello @ruralsmith,


I am sorry I haven't called you at the agreed time, I will be honest I have some technical issues and I am now catching up on my cases. I have tried to call you but there was no answer. If you are not available now, I would be happy to give you a call anytime up to 22:00 or arrange a call tomorrow at a time that would be best for you.


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 Sammy M - Sheffield Team
 Plusnet Help Team
Posts: 6
Registered: ‎19-05-2019

Re: Absolute Disgrace...

I have seen your missed call.... You rang for 23 seconds....not enough time to get to answerphone and you would not have left a message anyway. Why not leave a message?

I have had enough for one day. For a lifetime. I have changed too many plans over the last week. You can call me tomorrow at 18.30 but I will not hold my breath.

If I am unable to pick up, please try for more than 23 seconds and please leave me a message so I can get back to you.

Thank you.
Plusnet Help Team
Plusnet Help Team
Posts: 1,931
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Registered: ‎22-01-2018

Re: Absolute Disgrace...

Hi @ruralsmith,


I didn't leave a voicemail as I contacted you here immediately after. I am sincerely sorry I have missed our agreed time and as per my last message would be happy to call you back now or at a time that is best for you.


Thank you for giving me a time to contact you, I have arranged for my colleague to call you at that time as I am out of the office tomorrow.


I am sorry for the inconvienvce this has caused.



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 Sammy M - Sheffield Team
 Plusnet Help Team
Posts: 6
Registered: ‎19-05-2019

Re: Absolute Disgrace...

My partner can be available this Friday 24th May between 13.00 and 18.00 for an engineer to visit. We need this confirmed ASAP. I need to give you another mobile number for contact but I not comfortable leaving it on here.

Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Posts: 442
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Registered: ‎25-09-2018

Re: Absolute Disgrace...

Hi there @ruralsmith,


I'm sorry for any confusion with the emails not pointing you in the right direction.

You should be able to get to the ticket directly using this link instead:

It should give you the option to respond to this ticket at the bottom of the page and you can add your availability there.

Unfortunately we cant take the notice above as availability as this doesn't log your request on your account.

If you reply to the ticket, let us know here and we can get it picked up for you.



Posts: 6
Registered: ‎19-05-2019

Re: Absolute Disgrace...

Figured it out. By no means straightforward to me at least. Thank you. God help the elderly!
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Posts: 442
Fixes: 19
Registered: ‎25-09-2018

Re: Absolute Disgrace...

Hi there @ruralsmith,


Sorry for messing you about.

Engineer availability requests need to be submitted in a way that is documented on the account by yourself.

I've got your request and the visit has been booked in for between 1pm and 6pm on Friday, the 24th of May 2019. If you need anything else or need to make an amendment please let us know as soon as possible.

Posts: 34
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Registered: ‎21-04-2019

Re: Absolute Disgrace...

Had similar issues with 4 openreach engineers all pointing their fingers towards plusnet for my issues.
My only solution was to leave and go to a different provider
Choose now broadband which is part of sky
Have gone from poor speeds sometimes as low as 0.38 with constant drop outs to a rock steady 13.5 mbps
All these complaints on the forum are not one offs
Vote with your feet and leave
Ofcom state they have 30 days to fix the issue or you can leave without penalty.
Mine got so bad I emailed the CEO of plusnet
We'll do you proud is their company logo. Should be "we set ourselves low standards and fail to achieve them"