'This is an experimental application to confirm how to quickly 'get internet usage from tg582n router via its telnet interface in a simple way. 'The sent username, password and command to get usage are hardcoded for simplicity. 'The raw internet usage figures received from router are since the last router reset/restart (a rare event normally) 'zero offsets would be subtracted from usage figures for delta usages hourly/monthly/daily/per-bill 'references; 'how to telnet from vb.net https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27824264/sending-commands-to-telnet 'how to autoscroll textbox https://stackoverflow.com/questions/898307/how-do-i-automatically-scroll-to-the-bottom-of-a-multiline-text-box 'tg582n router telnet commands https://www.manualslib.com/download/914665/Technicolor-Tg582n.html ' 'it is hard keeping this really simple when so many easy ways of making this app more sophisticated. ' Imports sns = System.Net.Sockets 'for .TcpClientclass. Imports ste = System.Text.Encoding 'for bytes() = .ASCII.GetBytes(String) and string =.ASCII.GetString( byte() ) Public Class Form1 Dim Router_IpAddr As String = "" Dim TG582n_Username As String = "admin" Dim TG582n_Password As String = "censored" 'this is the serial number of the router Dim TG582n_UsageCmd As String = "ip iflist" Dim TG582n_UsageRx As Integer = 231 'byte offset of number of received bytes & units in reply to usage command Dim TG582n_UsageTx As Integer = 242 'byte offset 0f number of sent bytes & units in reply to usage command Dim MyTelnetClient As New sns.TcpClient Dim RxGrossMB, TxGrossMB, RxStartMB, TxStartMB As Single Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Timer1.Enabled = True 'this timer loads any received characters onto textTelnet typically every 100ms (5 to 300ms possible) Timer2.Enabled = True 'this timer controls how often we ask the router for usage data. typically 10s (5s to 300s) End Sub Private Sub Form1_Closed(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Closed Timer1.Enabled = False 'belt and braces - not essential Timer2.Enabled = False 'belt and braces - not essential MyTelnetClient.Close() 'belt and braces - not essential - unless open ports accumulate - vb closes files, ports etc by default on program end End Sub ''' Call at start of application to OPEN a telnet connection to the router. Private Sub ButtonLogin_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ButtonLogin.Click Try MyTelnetClient.Connect(Router_IpAddr, 23) 'Connect to the router ip, 23 is telnet port ButtonLogin.Enabled = Not MyTelnetClient.Connected 'non essential - belt and braces ButtonUpdate.Enabled = MyTelnetClient.Connected 'non essential -if button already enabled Catch ex As sns.SocketException 'if already logged in.... then nothing needs doing Beep() : Debug.Print("Already logged in") 'non essential End Try End Sub Sub Telnet_Send(ByVal cmd As String) Dim bytes_to_send() As Byte = ste.ASCII.GetBytes(cmd) 'convert outgoing command string to byte(array) Try MyTelnetClient.Client.Send(bytes_to_send, 'send command to router 0, bytes_to_send.Length, sns.SocketFlags.None) Catch ex As sns.SocketException 'if not yet logged in then cannot send the cmd, so do nothing Beep() : Debug.Print("Not yet logged in - click the login button first.") 'non essential End Try End Sub ''' Sends a command and receives the reply every few seconds in order ''' to get the latest router usage figures in MB. Private Sub Timer2_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Timer2.Tick If CheckAuto.Checked Then If MyTelnetClient.Connected Then ButtonUpdate_Click(Nothing, Nothing) End If End If End Sub ''' Gets the latest router usage figures in MB. Private Sub ButtonUpdate_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ButtonUpdate.Click Telnet_Send(TG582n_UsageCmd & vbCr) 'returns total router usage figures over all connected devices, e.g. ... ' {admin}=>ip iflist ' Interface Group MTU RX TX Admin Oper <--91 ' 1 loop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . local 4096 419 MB 76 MB UP [UP] <-+73 'we want RX+TX & units from here 2 Internet. . . . . . . . . . . . wan 1500 3915 MB 277 MB UP UP <-+48 ' 3 LocalNetwork. . . . . . . . . . lan 1500 348 MB 4302 MB UP [UP] ' 3195@+212 {admin}=> ' 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234 ' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 End Sub ''' Called many times a second to append any received characters from ''' telnet port to the textbox that shows sent and received characters. ''' Best called from a timer every 100ms rther than calling from a loop in another thread ''' because a timer can access form member objects like TextTelnet whereas another thread cannot do that. Sub Telnet_Receive() If MyTelnetClient.Client.Available > 0 Then 'Check if there is any Data to receive Dim bytes_to_receive(MyTelnetClient.Available - 1) As Byte 'declare an array of bytes MyTelnetClient.Client.Receive(bytes_to_receive, ' 0, bytes_to_receive.Length, sns.SocketFlags.None) 'receive incomming telnet bytes Dim String_From_Bytes As String = ste.ASCII.GetString(bytes_to_receive) 'convert received router bytes to string If String_From_Bytes.Contains("Username : ") Then 'not essential. filter out ugly control chars preceding "Username: " by replacing "??????Username :" with just "Username :" String_From_Bytes = "Username : " 'not essential. cosmetic. remove ff ff 01 ff ff 03 preamble End If 'not essential. end. TextTelnet.AppendText(String_From_Bytes) 'echo routers telnet (command and) reply (and prompt) AND scroll to last line If String_From_Bytes.Contains("Username : ") Then 'If router asks for username then... Telnet_Send(TG582n_Username & vbCr) '...send the username. it is admin for technicolor gateway tg582n ElseIf String_From_Bytes.Contains("Password : ") Then 'If telnet asks for Password then... Telnet_Send(TG582n_Password & vbCr) '...send password. it is router serial (11 chars) for Technicolor Gateway TG582n ElseIf String_From_Bytes.Contains("iflist") Then 'if reply to (echoed) iflist command If String_From_Bytes.EndsWith(">") AndAlso String_From_Bytes.Length > 270 Then 'if we have whole reply Dim rx As String = String_From_Bytes.Substring(TG582n_UsageRx, 10) 'bytes received tg482n ONLY Dim tx As String = String_From_Bytes.Substring(TG582n_UsageTx, 10) 'bytes sent tg582n ONLY (on a good day) RxGrossMB = Val(rx) 'get values in KB,MB or GB TxGrossMB = Val(tx) If rx.ToUpper.Contains("K") Then RxGrossMB /= 1024 'ensure values always in MB (for now) If tx.ToUpper.Contains("K") Then TxGrossMB /= 1024 If rx.ToUpper.Contains("G") Then RxGrossMB *= 1024 If tx.ToUpper.Contains("G") Then TxGrossMB *= 1024 Label_All_MB.Text = RxGrossMB + TxGrossMB 'show total rx + tx MB End If End If End If End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick Telnet_Receive() End Sub End Class