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Registered: ‎16-02-2009


Does M$ need so MUCH space?
My new rig is up and I thought I would install w7 to play some of my (free) Steam games.
So I had a 40G partition spare thought fine more than enough room.
So first off the 40G is on disk 2 (sdb) so w7 will not install has to be on first drive.
Remove power from sda and reboot.
Installs fine, get it up and then spend ages doing reboots (why does it need to reboot immediately AFTER starting up!)
Installed ONE game, then got errors about not enough space, checked and 30Mb free.
Ran a system clean got 1Gb back which was still not enough.
Eventually played the game (Ghost Sniper)
During play it keeps switching to the desktop usually just as I am about to press the trigger GRRR.
Reinstalled drive 1, updated grub/burg and now have a M$ entry in the boot menu, but M$ crapped out again on an update 30% installed then reboot then rollback, needs to be main drive again.
Installed a 500Gb drive for the games, mounted it under c:\games. Tried to install a game and it said not enough space! (It checked the c: drive not the mount point) so remove mount point and make it d: - you couldn't make this up could you?
And people reckon this is better than Linux?
I can install an FULL install of Mint in 15G INCLUDING a full office package and all updates.
Can't see me switching back ever again.  Smiley
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Registered: ‎05-04-2009

Re: Why?

Don't get me started - please, please, please  Crazy
Fortunately, I put win7 on first as I just added a dual-boot openSUSE on a second drive to a win 7 machine - the net install with KDE (ie all packages downloaded during installation) with package changes, partitioning/formatting took less than the Win 7 update initialisation (ie not including downloads, installation and multiple reboots) I did immediately afterwards.
Plusnet FTTC (Sep 2014), Essentials (Feb 2013); ADSL (Apr 2009); Customer since Jan 2004 (on 28kb dial-up)
Using a TP-Link Archer VR600 modem-router.
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Registered: ‎01-09-2007

Re: Why?

And there was me think that my Debian based system was getting a bit bloated.
It uses 7GB - but some of that is application software like LibreOffice.

"In The Beginning Was The Word, And The Word Was Aardvark."

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Registered: ‎16-02-2009

Re: Why?

The 15Gb for a Mint install included some space for a /home 😉
I think it wants 10Gb to install into.
But yeah I mean I gave it 40Gb and it still bleated as it used it all up.
Another thing, what is it with the updates all the bl***dy time? Seems every time I switch to M$ it wants to install updates or I can't reboot 'cause it is installing updates. In Mint updates are done on the fly, and rarely require a reboot to use them. And they are all SMALL these updates have been >1Gb each.
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Registered: ‎01-09-2007

Re: Why?

I've got Windows 7 on a netbook.
I have the "do the updates" option switched off.

"In The Beginning Was The Word, And The Word Was Aardvark."

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Re: Why?

@ HB...... if windows was the more like Linux, you wouldn`t have anything to moan about.....  Cheesy
On the other hand... if linux was more like windows... neither would I ...  Grin Grin
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Registered: ‎16-02-2009

Re: Why?

Yeah but it is just BLOAT. This is a clean iso no "trial ware" so where does the 35+Gb come from?
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Registered: ‎01-09-2007

Re: Why?

At one time Windows was offered on a pile of floppy disks.
They don't do that any more.
35GB = 24+ million floppy disks.  Cheesy Cheesy

"In The Beginning Was The Word, And The Word Was Aardvark."

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Registered: ‎16-02-2009

Re: Why?

Yep I remember installing win 3.0 from floppy, and 3.1/11. (And when you got a new package with 10+ floppies in it you groaned, 'cause guaranteed that one would fail.)
Mind you I had a 20Mb hdd them.
It wasn't that long ago that pc's came with 40Gb hdd's. Only about 10 years or so. XP ran ok on <5Gb.
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Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: Why?

Quote from: Hairy
Yeah but it is just BLOAT. This is a clean iso no "trial ware" so where does the 35+Gb come from?

Updates and System Restore points are the two main culprits (especially when update create them).
The Disk Cleanup tool provides the abilility to tidy up both.
Tools like WinDirStat are also helpful for showing what's consuming space.