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Legacy Globalnet account, email, Mac

Posts: 4
Registered: ‎22-10-2012

Legacy Globalnet account, email, Mac

Thought I might share my experiences with you, as it may help you getting to frustrated, For no apparent reason my Globalnet email account stopped functioning recently. I contacted Tech Support (TS) a number of times, some operators were helpful others not. The problem  I was getting was i was unable to verify the account name and password. I was being told by TS to enter , and for my settings for incoming and outgoing, but to no avail and they were sending me to Apple citing there was a problem with my Macbook. Problems were going back and fore for about 3 weeks. When  a call to a very helpful Apple techie helped and it seems that the settings I was being given by TS were wrong, for an IMAP account on a Mac the settings need to be, incoming: and outgoing Now all up and running again!! thanks to Apple