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Apple TV and ITV Hub+

Seasoned Champion
Posts: 1,266
Thanks: 870
Fixes: 9
Registered: ‎27-12-2019

Apple TV and ITV Hub+

I have a 2021 Apple 4K TV in my lounge and the previous version of it in my bedroom, with an ITV Hub subscription shared between them. However, I notice that on the ITV Hub App in the lounge there is no main ITV channel available with available channels starting at ITV2. But in the bedroom the channels start with ITV.

I've contacted the App's support but they are, and always have been, tantamount to useless.

Can anyone else see this?


Seasoned Champion
Posts: 1,266
Thanks: 870
Fixes: 9
Registered: ‎27-12-2019

Re: Apple TV and ITV Hub+

A reset of the App has fixed it, I now have ITV on the TV in the lounge.