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lied misled and fobbed off

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Registered: ‎26-09-2015

Re: lied misled and fobbed off

I don't see any corrected errors, that might be because the 2704N doesn't show them, or could it be that Interleaving isn't set?    64dB suggests a line length of over 6km, does that make sense?  If it doesn't then maybe something in the house is hurting the line, for example have there been any wiring or filter changes when switching from TT to Plusnet?  My (limited) experience with the 2704N suggests it's OK on my line which is 5.3km/57dB and gives as good a speed as anything I've tried, so the router swap shouldn't be slowing you down.
On a long line I think it's worth getting everything spot on at your end, using a filtered faceplate, router straight into the master socket and use as short a screened DSL cable as possible (for example Screened DSL Cable 0.5m)
Posts: 15
Registered: ‎09-01-2016

Re: lied misled and fobbed off

Hello Tony
thanks for your interest/help
there have been no changers since I joined PN, the only thing I have done is the swap routers.
Nothing has been added or changed -it is even the same filter.
The router is hard wired to the family computer - I understand from PN they use different equipment than TT, I have also read the routers used by PN are not as good as the  ones supplied by other ISPs.
I just wonder if that could be contributing?, is does seem strange the speed dropped immediately when I was connected to PN -hence my annoyance.
I have the opportunity to leave PN which is not really what I wanted to do, I just wanted a similar broadband speed but regrettably I may have to ultimately leave.
It does look like there is nothing PN can or will do to improve the speed -it is less now than a couple of few weeks ago!
many thanks to all who have helped/advised.
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Re: lied misled and fobbed off

Interleaving being off might not be the best setting for getting the most speed out of the line. Plusnet could easily change that setting.
The stats also indicated it had connected as ADSL2+. It would probably be better using ADSL2, not 2+, on such a long line. Unfortunately it's not possible to change the ADSL mode with the 2704n, nor do Plusnet have the ability to set ADSL2, due to their supplier's (BTWholesale) systems not having that option.
Those two things, the different equipment at the exchange, and the small amount of speed lost due to the Plusnet profile, could probably just about account for the total difference in speed.
Quote from: Townman
Can you please post a full CLT report?  It would be useful to know what attenuation etc BTOR's systems report for this line.  Does it have a clean errr history.  Frankly if the attenuation figure is correct I do not understand how Talk Talk could have delivered higher speeds, in spite of their different line error management.

Well, the attenuation is measured on the end receiving the signal, so it'll be measured by neil h's modem, and the value reported back to the system at the other end, so I'd expect the attenuation to be pretty much the same as the values in the stats provided.
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Re: lied misled and fobbed off

I was thinking of the full CLT report, which if I recall correctly includes estimated, calculated and measured atttenuation (celenerity) the former two coming from assessment of BTOR's line spec data.

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Posts: 15
Registered: ‎09-01-2016

Re: lied misled and fobbed off

many thanks for your interest and comments, even though I dont fully understand the terminology I do get the general feel on what is being said/discussed.
If Ejs's conclusion is correct, isn't this something PN should have known from the outset?and if so with the equipment PN are using then is it right to assume I will never be able to receive the speeds I previously had with TT?
Any suggestions on what I should do next?
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Re: lied misled and fobbed off

In a way, no, they wouldn't have known from the outset, Plusnet only had the speed estimate from their suppliers to go on. Because your line was connected to TalkTalk equipment at the exchange before the switch, there may have been less information to base the estimate on, compared to if you were with BT for example. We've had the advantage of looking at the stats you provided from your router, from which we can conclude that the 3 Mbit at the low end of the estimate is going to be pushing it a bit, but might just about be possible, and the 9 Mbit and the top end of the estimate looks virtually impossible.
However, it's also possible that your speeds could be improved by fixing some line fault, if there is one, or sorting out your internal wiring, if it's not already optimal. The estimate might actually be reasonable, and it's your current speed and all the stats that are as good as they should be. Your speed on TT would also have been less than optimal in the same way.
The line attenuation figure of 64 dB from you stats suggests your line is about 4.5 km long. You could check the distance by road to your exchange at this broadband checker, and although we won't know the exact route your line takes, it should give some idea if the 4.5 km length is reasonable for your line or not.
Posts: 15
Registered: ‎09-01-2016

Re: lied misled and fobbed off

Hi ejs
from the link you suggested the lengths given is
direct  2.75km
by road 5.4 km approx
the speed has again dropped today to 1.28.
PN would drop the speed to force me into taking fibre, No companies dont do that sort of thing do they, no.!!!!!!!!
NO, with the issues I have had it does make you think though !!!!!!!!
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Re: lied misled and fobbed off

Assuming your line mostly follows roads, rather than takes some cross-country short-cuts, then it looks like the 3 Mb was doing fairly well.
This kind of situation does turn up on these forums from time to time, the best case scenario is you end up with a better speed than you were getting before, depending on what we can find that can be improved on. I'd like to start by asking you what type of master socket you have, and how many other telephone sockets you have, including ones with nothing plugged into them. It's also a good idea to use ideally a corded phone, and dial 17070 and do the quiet line check, to see if you can hear any noise on the phone line - if so then that would need to be dealt with before working on the broadband speed.
It would also be useful to give us the current ADSL stats again.
Posts: 15
Registered: ‎09-01-2016

Re: lied misled and fobbed off

Hi all, many thanks for your help but PN have ground me down!!!- I have placed an order for fibre, which cynically of me I think was probably their objective once they knew they could not provide a comparable speed that I had with TT.
I dont know when the upgrade will take place, I was originally told it would be 25 Jan, when I contacted  PN and asked for confirmation I was told it is now 1 Feb -we will see.
Until then I have to make do with slow speed -it has dropped again to 1.6/8 mb!
I am sorry I didn't stay with TT.
thanks again to all
Posts: 39
Registered: ‎29-12-2015

Re: lied misled and fobbed off

Yup, I'm in the same boat mate, since moving from TalkTalk the service has been diabolical, you hear bad things about TT, but blimey, Plusnet makes TT's line provision look very professional in comparison, and like you the PN support staff just lead me up the garden path with a load of old flannel.
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Re: lied misled and fobbed off

As you've been advised on your own thread StalkStalk, you have some sort of line issue which is not being addressed. It's the same copper wires to the exchange whichever ISP you are using. BT Openreach do the provisioning and maintenance of lines for all CPs (except Virgin Media Cable). Whether or not you choose to get that looked at by your new ISP is up to you.
@neil h
Line issues, especially when intermittent, can sometimes be a real problem to track down. The 2704N on ADSL would otherwise give very good speeds. As you are now going for Fibre, let's hope any line problem is not between you and the Cab. Do you know how far you are from your Cab?
Have you tried the DSL Checker to see what speed estimates it gives?
Posts: 15
Registered: ‎09-01-2016

Re: lied misled and fobbed off

the check says 32.5-55!!!
hope i have done the right thing -I have already made a mistake by moving from PN to TT!!!!!!
Posts: 15
Registered: ‎09-01-2016

Re: lied misled and fobbed off

sorry TT to PN : Sad
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Registered: ‎31-08-2007

Re: lied misled and fobbed off

Plusnet seem to be going through similar pains at the moment that TT went through a number of years ago Roll_eyes
Have Plusnet given you a decent deal for your Fibre considering your actual speed on ADSL was below the ADSL estimate quoted?