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New account creation on behalf of another person

Seasoned Pro
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Registered: ‎02-02-2008

Re: New account creation on behalf of another person

That sounds like an uninformed (ill-trained?) "jobsworth" call handler making it up "on the fly", certainly not a lawyer. We need INFORMED SENIOR MANAGEMENT involved ASAP!
Posts: 16
Registered: ‎12-03-2013

Re: New account creation on behalf of another person

A few years ago I had to set up an account for a chap who was unable to speak or use his hands or feet.  When I phoned I explained the situation and asked if it was worth discussing further - they said it was and Plusnet allowed me to continue to open the account on hearing him make a "sound" through the speaker phone.  The contact terms were, anything techical or concerning connections should be sent to me (not a Plusnet acct at that time) and anything commercial, pricing,payment to his sister (who was a Plusnet acct holder)
Everything went through ok and when it was time for me to change my provider I remembered how Plusnet had handled the above case along with other disabled friends I came to Plusnet also.
The way Plusnet handled opening of this chaps account was imo far superior and more business like than others I contacted at that time