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LIVE CHAT is NOT busy... it isn`t working (was: How long is a "short wait" ? ? ? ?)

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Re: How long is a "short wait" ? ? ? ?


Given how profundly this impacts you ... do you keep abreast of (quite recent) industry developments in this field?  Have you seen (25 November 2019).

That appears to support every device under the sun, possibly including some no longer supported?

@Batphone  - did you install from there or some old site / product?

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

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Re: How long is a "short wait" ? ? ? ?

I have just logged out of the Member Centre and on that logging out page got a flag in the bottom right hand corner of the screen for Live Chat. To see what happened I clicked on it and got the usual (as was) Live Chat box but linking to "Plusnet Routing Robot" or somesuch beast. Is this still active or should this link be removed? If the former perhaps the Live Chat flag needs to be renamed.

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Re: How long is a "short wait" ? ? ? ?

I had a play with that this morning, it terminates the 'chat' after making a suggestion that you phone in!

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Re: How long is a "short wait" ? ? ? ?

@Townman  Obviously, you have only read part of this thread.....


YES !.... I have seen that..... and it does not install when clicking the link for LINUX...  



NO   I did not try it from you put it......  some old site / product? 

and  Plusnet has told me that they don` t   care   support NGT or the newfangled name for the same thing....


so there is no customer help regarding getting this stupid replacement to work. 


which in turn prevents me from contacting plusnet via the keyboard.  

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Re: How long is a "short wait" ? ? ? ?

@Batphone  - did you install from there or some old site / product?

No. It was installed from the site. It does actually tell you there:

Available for Windows 7, 8 and 10 with Java 1.7 or later installed

Available for Linux computers with Java 1.7 or later installed

So Java is now mentioned (or did I really miss it earlier?). I went via the "How to use" link which ultimately takes you to the same landing page with download for various platforms as the link you posted. Given what Mook has just posted this app does not appear to be looking very likley as a viable alternative.


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Re: How long is a "short wait" ? ? ? ?

@JonoH   @Gandalf 

Some questions that need proper answers....



Asuming that a hearing/speech disabled person, using ( correction .... ) trying to use NGT or its  new name...

manage to get it working... and..

assuming they manage to call up the interpreter ( despite them being able to understand English Language , even if it is typed on a keyboard). 

1. .....  will that customer... AND the interpreter, be kept hanging on for a couple of hours, 

( or whatever the wating time is on the phones at time of call) .. ?  



And will all of that waiting time.....and the time spent on the keyboard, explaining the problem, to the interpreter and then the interpreter speaking English language to the customer serivce person... who will respond in English language, back to the interpreter who will then type a version of that conversation (in English)  ... but probably not verbatim,... because that might take too long...


so there is a possiblity... (strong possibility) that vital parts are not translated ( fully or correctly) by the interpreter on either side of the conversation, either through lack of knowledge, or from lack of understanding.  


2. ...Will the cost of the call be fully refunded to the customer ? 


3.  what accountability is there regarding errors made due to the interpreter missing, mis-representing, or omitting vital information, being passed back and forth?




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Re: How long is a "short wait" ? ? ? ?

@JonoH      @Gandalf 


You have both ignored my last post...I have allowed for the fact that I posted on SATURDAY... but there has been THREE WHOLE WORKING DAYS since... 


I know that you do have "other interesting stuff" to attend to.... but...


ignoring a request for information for THREE DAYS... is hardly doing you, or me, proud..



It certainly does not bode well, should I need to get in touch with a problem regarding the connection, or phone line, in the "normal" way of thiings


I know the old "ticket system" was slow in responding... is this how the future of PlusNet Customer Service is going ?   


I was told that If i had a problem then I should get in touch with you on the forum ..... and yet you do not seem to want to answer the questions posed....


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Re: How long is a "short wait" ? ? ? ?





Four working days,  .....



                                     still no answer to the questions posed in post number 67 on this thread..



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Re: How long is a "short wait" ? ? ? ?

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Re: How long is a "short wait" ? ? ? ?

@JonoH  & @Gandalf 


Just in case you missed it ..... Although.... 


One Hundred and Fifty Six others have read it since last Friday.... 


@JonoH   @Gandalf 

Some questions that need proper answers....



Asuming that a hearing/speech disabled person, using ( correction .... ) trying to use NGT or its  new name...

manage to get it working... and..

assuming they manage to call up the interpreter ( despite them being able to understand English Language , even if it is typed on a keyboard). 

1. .....  will that customer... AND the interpreter, be kept hanging on for a couple of hours, 

( or whatever the wating time is on the phones at time of call) .. ?  



And will all of that waiting time.....and the time spent on the keyboard, explaining the problem, to the interpreter and then the interpreter speaking English language to the customer serivce person... who will respond in English language, back to the interpreter who will then type a version of that conversation (in English)  ... but probably not verbatim,... because that might take too long...


so there is a possiblity... (strong possibility) that vital parts are not translated ( fully or correctly) by the interpreter on either side of the conversation, either through lack of knowledge, or from lack of understanding.  


2. ...Will the cost of the call be fully refunded to the customer ? 


3.  what accountability is there regarding errors made due to the interpreter missing, mis-representing, or omitting vital information, being passed back and forth?






One Hundred and Fifty Six others read it since last Friday....

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Re: How long is a "short wait" ? ? ? ?

Hi @shutter  This is the feedback board, it's here to provide feedback on Plusnet and these forums. It's not a place to ask for questions and for support, the rest of the forum is more appropriate for that and as such this board is not automatically pulled into our workstream for the agents to assist with. The only way an agent at present would discover this is if they were to log into the forum natively and read the board in their own time (or if I or someone else spotted this and moved it into the agents workstream).

This board is patrolled by myself, irregularly and certainly not at all when I am off like I was last week. 

In answer to your question, we reduce the cost of all calls using approved text relay services to ensure that those impacted with disabilities don't face additional costs, we do that no matter who they call. 


Also the views your quoting are not unique. You are counting total numbers of times the page is viewed in total


I hope this helps. However in future please ask for help and support i in the help and support boards as that will ensure you get a timely response. 

 Jono H
 Plusnet Community Manager
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Re: How long is a "short wait" ? ? ? ?

@JonoH  I understand your reticence to answer the questions.... partly.....

however.. I also flagged this up to you, with @JonoH    and also to @Gandalf  on the day of posting... a week ago saturday...

I allowed for the weekend, when I don`t expect either of  you to be available. 

I then flagged up  a reminder THREE WORKING DAYS to both of you.

. and again at FIVE WORKING DAYS since posting... i.e. Friday last week...


Since I had no response from either  of you.. I am assuming, that you have "got together"...and decided not to respond... for whatever reason... so again, I flagged the "reminder" and copied the original post..


You have responded, but  you have not addressed the questions directly, suggesting that I am looking for "help and support"...  and should direct the questions on that board.... Please... give me some link... as I cannot find the board for "help and support"... and the "Help and support " pages do not answer the quesions with the format therein.

( if there is a "proper place" for this thread... then perhaps you should suggest to the mods, for a move of the thread.... which they already have done....


they moved it from General Chat... and merged it, to appear on this Feedback board ) ...




I asked the questions, on Feedback, as a continuation of the thread due to the nature of the problems involved with using NGT. as opposed to using a "Normal" voice telephone call... for help... which is  FREE...


but disabled customers must PAY to get help through the NGT system...


Your reply regarding costs, says that you "will reduce" the cost... but you are not saying you will REMOVE the cost of the call...


This is discrimination, against disbled customers... who used to be able to get the help and support they needed FREE ( via live chat ) ...


the same as "normal" hearing/non speech impediment customers.


 This  IS   feedback......

                      not a personal question....


  to bring to the notice of those in control of "customer help and customer support"..



                for  the benefit of all those disabled customers who have to use the                                      NGT  system to access Plusnet Customer Support..


Customer Help and support should be provided equally to ALL customers....


Charging some, and not others, is Discrimination.


( as regards the "views" count...... well you can put any twist on the numbers that you like, but it still remains that a lot of interest has been shown in the thread... and that post in particular...... )





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Re: How long is a "short wait" ? ? ? ?


I note your comments regarding the use of this forum "to provide feedback on Plusnet...." here goes:

Having noted a number of posts on these forums today where customers are still trying to contact Plusnet via Live Chat, I can only assume that there are still some links or pop-ups leading to Live Chat or leading customers to expect to find Live Chat.

Perhaps Plusnet need to make it clear that Live Chat is no longer a valid means of getting support so that customers do not waste their time trying to find and use it. As you are so fond of using coloured banners on the Members Centre homepage for various things (including incessant reminders that I, and others, have not updated our communication preferences despite doing so numerous times!), would it not be appropriate to have such a banner declaring Live Chat dead and emphasising the other means of accessing support.


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Re: How long is a "short wait" ? ? ? ?

@jgb   I did suggest, that a "sticky" featuring a "no entry" sign... and the message that LIVE CHAT IS CLOSED be put at the top of this board.....


But... because it was a suggestion from ME... it has been ignored...

But... there again... Plusnet keep blabbing about their "award winning customer service"...

forgetting that you can get an award for "the worst" as well as " the best ".... ( you choose....... ) 

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Re: How long is a "short wait" ? ? ? ?

Hi @shutter I believe as Jono's indicated he was off last week which would explain the delay in his reply and I'm personally not always able to respond to something I'm tagged in due to how we're assigned work as per our forum rules here (I'm currently posting from home in my free time).

If you need help with your service, the help and support boards we as staff patrol can be found here. There's also the tech help board here that I know you're familiar with, this board isn't pulled into our workstream though.

I also believe Jono advised that "we ensure that those impacted with disabilities don't face additional costs, we do that no matter who they call" so if you call an 0800 number through NGT that should be free of charge. This is backed up here:

The cost of a text relay call is the same as if you made the call without text relay. We know that text relay calls can take longer than a normal voice call, so we make adjustments to your call charges to make sure that you aren't out of pocket.

I do hope this helps clarify things.

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi