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Has any body else had a no show by an engineer

Posts: 11
Registered: ‎25-11-2013

Has any body else had a no show by an engineer

Ive had to take off 2 days from work to wait for an engineer to install my fibre optics and no show both times, any body else had this problem.
Posts: 319
Thanks: 1
Registered: ‎06-11-2013

Re: Has any body else had a no show by an engineer

Oh yeah, I had 2 BT Openreach engineers fail to show up on mine (one install from Sky) and one from Plusnet (BTOR cancelled/put a hold on the appointment)
It is extremely frustrating I also had the BTOR Engineers turn up twice without the equipment to do the install, it's annoying and I know the ISP's get frustrated by it but of course they have to rely on the suppliers to turn up and they're limited to what they can do.
Rising Star
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Registered: ‎18-01-2013

Re: Has any body else had a no show by an engineer

Unfortunately it is quite a common problem and not just for Plusnet. Anyone who relies on BT Openreach seems to have similar issues and it was also covered on BBC Watchdog.
The problem is that BT have the monopoly on most of the copper to your house (unless you're in a Virgin cabled area) so anything that requires exchange work will most likely involve BTOR.
I was fortunate and had a BTOR outside contractor install my FTTC and he couldn't have been more helpful.