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Do Plusnet ever ever answer their phones or reply to any question??

Posts: 1
Registered: ‎20-02-2014

Do Plusnet ever ever answer their phones or reply to any question??

Phoned plusnet so many times just to go through the house moving process which according to their website is simple with them.  Rubbish! its not simple if you can't get hold of them.  Plusnet if I do ever get to speak to someone you owe me a speedy change over and money back on my phone bill! rubbish service.  (I've also sent them questions through their support system on line to which they haven't replied!
Posts: 93
Thanks: 4
Registered: ‎07-02-2014

Re: Do Plusnet ever ever answer their phones or reply to any question??

I'm not long off the phone with a nice chap called Martin. My call was answered within 10 minutes, and I was given my answer less than 5 minutes later. It's an 0800 number, so cost me nothing - unlike some other providers......
I was over £20 in calls to Sky between joining them in December and early this month. Paying to be lied to and have call centre staff abusing me v's polite staff on a free call.......
I know which I would choose every single time without question.
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Posts: 1,686
Registered: ‎03-02-2014

Re: Do Plusnet ever ever answer their phones or reply to any question??

Hi malsomator,
I'm sorry to hear you've not been able to get through to us. I've had a look at your account and I can see that you got through and spoke to our House moves team yesterday evening. Is there anything further that we can help you with?