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Broadband down and little progress to resolve it - ticket 30505928

Posts: 10
Registered: ‎26-10-2007

Broadband down and little progress to resolve it - ticket 30505928

My broadband has been down since Monday evening. I've switched microfilters and there were some tests done by 11.15pm that evening.  Since then very little else appears to have been done to resolve this.  I have rung the helpdesk 3 times, the latest time being told that the fault would be referred to BT either last night or early this morning, and this would show on the ticket history.  There's no sign that this has been done. Why does it takes over 2 days to do 15 minutes of tests and pass to BT?? Come on Plusnet, sort this out please.  My high regard for your service, when it worked, is rapidly being destroyed.
Posts: 21,036
Thanks: 5
Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: Broadband down and little progress to resolve it - ticket 30505928

Hi there,
I've just replied to your ticket.  There's just a couple of checks we need to go through before we can send your fault through to BT.
Posts: 10
Registered: ‎26-10-2007

Re: Broadband down and little progress to resolve it - ticket 30505928

When I reconnected the router using a different microfilter I did disconnect all the other phones, and this didn't help.  I haven't got another router to try.  I be able to get hold of an ADSL modem but not until this evening.. if you wanted me to do this why has it taken 2 days to tell me?? I've spoken to the helpdesk 5 times in all.
Posts: 21,036
Thanks: 5
Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: Broadband down and little progress to resolve it - ticket 30505928

In honesty, I really don't know why you weren't asked, and I'm very sorry that you weren't.
If you could possibly try the other router and let me know in the morning, I'd be very grateful.
Posts: 10
Registered: ‎26-10-2007

Re: Broadband down and little progress to resolve it - ticket 30505928

Turns out the router must be faulty, as I eventually got an ADSL modem to connect ok.  I've closed the case, and thanks for your help.
Posts: 21,036
Thanks: 5
Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: Broadband down and little progress to resolve it - ticket 30505928

Excellent.  Thanks very much for letting me know.