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BT ordered to repair most faults 'within two days'

Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Posts: 1,686
Registered: ‎03-02-2014

Re: BT ordered to repair most faults 'within two days'

I completely understand where you're coming from. I had 3 failed engineer's appointments for my FTTC and I know how frustrating it can be!
We requested that the engineer call you before they attend - sometimes this is possible and sometimes it's not. At the very least they should call if they can't gain access to the property.
I've forwarded the details to our Faults team so that they can look at arranging this again - the order is currently in a state where I'm not able to amend anything...our Faults team will be back in touch later today.
I'm really sorry for the time wasted today!
Posts: 5,658
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Registered: ‎21-03-2011

Re: BT ordered to repair most faults 'within two days'

This type of nonsense from OpenReach will continue until Ofcom makes a rule that in event of a no-show the end customer is paid compensation by OpenReach for 8 hours at an hourly figure in excess of the national minimum wage.
Now Zen, but a +Net residue.
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Registered: ‎30-03-2011

Re: BT ordered to repair most faults 'within two days'

In defence of Openreach, I can relate an incident which occurred earlier this year. I was taking down a multi-stemmed beech tree at the front of the house and despite my best efforts - and my brother pulling on the end of the rope - one of the branches fell onto next door's telephone line crossing my property (through the tree!) and brought it down. I phoned BT but couldn't get much sense out of them, and despite thinking next door was with TalkTalk I phone Openreach direct and reported the issue - which apparently you shouldn't do?
Next day a man came out and sorted it out without too much hassle. At one point he was waiting for another engineer in order to get the cable across next door's garage (H+S !!!) but I took the initiative and threw a rope over the garage so he could pull the wire over himself. He didn't seem to mind me helping out after that (we had to thread the wire through another tree...) and the whole thing took about 2 hours.