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Plusnet wins Which? recommendation for seventh time

Plusnet wins Which? recommendation for seventh time

Plusnet wins Which? recommendation for seventh time

Plusnet Header image We at Plusnet pride ourselves in providing a top-notch service to all of our customers, and that work was recognised this week by Which?, who recommended Plusnet for the seventh time. We received a score of 72% in the latest Which? Broadband Customer Satisfaction Survey, following a series of updates to Plusnet’s service including; a Live Chat web service, which launched in November to help the customer service team answer customer questions more quickly, and the new Hub Zero router, offering a sharper performance while using 40% less energy than previous models. Andy Baker, Plusnet CEO said: “We are thrilled to receive this recommendation for the seventh time from Which?  We would like to thank everyone who took part and fed back on our services. It’s a privilege to receive this prestigious recognition, which is a testament to the continued focus we put into ensuring our customers get the best experience for their broadband service.”       We would like to thank both Which? and our customers for the excellent recommendation and continued great feedback.

0 Thanks
Rising Star
Well reading the Plusnet member forums it was not gained by Support dept.
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I have never been so pleased with any phone and broadband service. I have been with you for 18 months now and never regretted changing from BT or TalkTalk. Brilliant service, thank you very much
Second that David.
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They did not ask me either or they would have been back 6 years as the worst ISP, perhaps Which just got upside down.
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I am disgusted at Plusnet levying a cancellation charge of £30 to cease a supply to a deceased person. This was well out of contract (originated December 2011) and whilst one expects a cancellation charge to apply within the contract period, it is certainly not expected once out of contract. It would be nice if Plusnet reconsidered the wisdom/legality of levying such a spurious hidden charge. I don't hear them singing about that little extra on their ads!
I wonder how Which do this? (I don’t trust Which at all) I have never met anyone who has voted or been asked? David is spot on. the service desk is appalling. The worst service available unless it’s a password change. It took 2 years of arguing to get mine BB sorted. As soon as it was working reliably I had a profile change which dropped my speed by 12 meg. After 3 moths with the complaints dept they finally admitted they could see a drop in performance. Was it fixed you ask? No of course not.
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I had problems with Wi-Fi channel but after long conversation with Craig this was resolved. He was very patient and extremely knowledgeable. Great customer service.
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What a joke. Plusnet have the worst connection and the most appalling customer service i have ever experienced. Never recommended and had all family and friends switch. Utter joke In the process of reporting the to ofcom and sent email to watchdog. It is my mission to make people aware that there stupid advert is a complete lie.
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my email is not receiving any mail in the Webmail on plus net website or "mail" programme on apple mac as from 23/03/2015. please could somebody tell me if technical issues are involved
Plusnet are ok till things go wrong with Admin billing/new contracts/reading 'tickets' properly and sorting out issues.....then in all goes down hill fast. Eventually if you complain enough and keep at them someone takes 'ownership' of the matter and sorts it. Sad that it can't be done the first time you raise something. If Plusnet lived up to it's own hype it could be 'John Lewis' like with very loyal customers who are happy, stay and prepared to pay a little bit more for excellence. A win situation for both side.
absolutely no idea how!
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I hate the fact that you can never get through to anyone on the phone, and they simply don't provide an email or alternative means of contact online. That is poor service!
Thanks for your positive feedback Jane.
The cessation fee is only applicable if the broadband is removed from the line, having said that we would generally waive this in the unfortunate circumstances you've described. If you'd like us to look in to this please let me know.
Hi Keith, It sounds like you've been unfortunate with faults on your line. If there has been a performance drop and your line is now under the estimates we can of course get this looked into.
Thanks for your positive feedback, I'll ensure that Craig's team leader is aware of this.
Hi there and sorry to see you're so unhappy with our service. If you're having issues we'll be happy to help investigate and resolve them.
Hi, sorry to hear you are having issues with the email service, we don't have any issues our side. Please contact the help desk on 0800 432 0200 they will be able to run through some settings for you, see if that helps.
Hi, sorry to hear that you have had to complain to get the issue sorted. This should not be something which you have to do. Hopefully in the future you wont have to raise a complaint for someone to take ownership of your account. We endeavour to keep customers as happy as possible and we try to live by a one touch resolution. This means the first agent that goes on the account deals with the issue in hand.
Sorry to hear that you are unable to get in touch via the call centre, I understand that you have had to wait a while whilst trying to contact us and I see why a call queue can be frustrating. Over the last six months we have made changes to our internal structure and we have seen improvements on the call queues, within the last few months so I can only imagine you have been unlucky at the time you have made these calls. You can always raise a ticket through the help assistant at
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I first came to Plusnet before they were owned by BT - way back when they were a technical little outfit, with superb customer service. I had a homehighway 2x64k connection at £100pm. Those were the days! Plusnet services standards have risen and fallen, and risen again as their market share has grown and broadband speeds increased. Business broadband has been plusnet since before you had a business package, home broadband I moved to Orange (EE) for the price, but we've moved back, because Plusnet at their worst are worlds better at customer service than Orange. Getting through can be painful, but overall the product works well, and I'm a satisfied customer. Are you perfect, no. Are you good enough to get 72% from Which? I'd say so.
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Hi been with plusnet 5 months na not bad services for a small company with competitive prices. 1 question wen is plusnet due to release there own tv.
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Well I am commenting on here because it seems it is the only way to get service. I have an open ticket because I lost my broadband last week. The initial response was good and I had an engineer out within 2 days who discovered a fault at the exchange. My connection returned but at a lower speed. I only get 3mb so any drop is critical. My ticket states that if I phone, Plusnet will attempt to return my speed to that before the fault. I rang last sunday and am still waiting! My ticket is 102123294. It seems to me that your system for checking open tickets is deeply floored and causes a lot of annoyance with your customers. GET IT SORTED. My contract is due up in May and I am seriously considering a change of ISP. I have been with Plusnet for over 6 years but that will change if this is not sorted out in the next 3 days. I would not recommend Plusnet to any of my friends because I value the friendship too much to risk it on the perfoemance of Plusnet.
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I'm a new customer, I signed up a few weeks ago but still have no phone/ broadband service. I originally had an appointment for an engineer to check the line at my property, however the day they were due to arrive I received a text message saying my line was fine and no engineer came. I have now been informed that if an engineer finds a fault at my property I will have to pay £50!!!! My first bill is due on may 1st so what am I paying for? I want to cancel but am outside the 14 day period.
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I'm also amazed that Which? continues to recommend Plusnet. Since I joined 8 months ago I've had multiple issues - incorrect billing, poor connection speed, drop-outs, and now that I'm moving house a really poor set of options to move/transfer/cancel. Whichever option I take it will cost me dear, whether it's the criminal £63 charge for cancelling, or the increase in monthly payment and contract length to stay with Plusnet. This is really poor service. How can Plusnet state the following on its website: "Moving can be stressful, but moving your broadband and home phone doesn't need to be. We'll arrange everything for you, so you'll be up and running at your new address in no time." Plusnet has added to the stress of moving.
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Can I just warn everyone, that if you sadly pass away, PlusNet, still send emails asking for payments..........Even after me ringing them twice, and emailing them!! and being told, they would close down his account!!!....My father passed away suddenly two weeks ago......PlusNet have sent me three emails, asking why they haven't received a payment, they also head the email with my father's name, seriously they are one big joke!!!! Absolutely disgusting at a time like this!!!
How did they win, It took me nearly 3 months of cancelled appointments, being lied to, and broken promises to end up with a fibre service which is nowhere near my estimate, slower than my old adsl connection. 3 weeks of telling them I have faulty router before a firmware upgrade was needed. my biggest bug is that I ordered with an estimate of 32mbs, On the day of install, that dropped to 20mbs, once install, actual speed dropped down to 14mbs. im told my line is fine, except other fibre customers on the street are all enjoying 30 mbs on other providers. i`ve seen it on Best part Im stuck with them now seeing as they messed me about for nearly 3 months with an install date, So had to go self-install after 8 CANCELLED installs. The latest router from Plusnet was designed and released in 2009, 6 year old router is their only offering now. Its the worst router I`ve ever seen. My advice is to go with cable if you can. 150mb speed, testing 300mbs speeds at the moment, cheaper than plusnet, no land line required, and a much much better router. If you cant, Id go with BT, Avoid Plusnet.
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Having being with Plus net for 3 months paying £46.99 a month we are still no close to watching catch up tv, my children are unable to use their iPads or any gaming device and as for the speed of the internet, well lets just forget it !! Silver lining though £2.75 recompense - happy days or NOT. myself and my husband are so disheartened and frustrated with the service that we are lost for words !!!!!! I just want to cancel and get a new provider.
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what did they get recommended for . Excellence in messing people around and excellence in breaking promises . excellence in wasting peoples time . and excellence in passing the blame on to other people. oh and not forgetting excellence in call holding times for this they are second to none they even blow sky away with this one . yes well done to plus net they are definitely the worst telecommunications company in the UK and best of it is they are proud of it .
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my 2 year contract ends in feb... and after a long 5 years i will be leaving plusnet and going to origin... plusnet are now useless customer server sucks (apart from guy i spoke to yesterday) last few times i have called to complain the CSR's have tried to bribe me.... yes BRIBE business would go nowhere if i ever tried to bribe customers... very unacceptable and if this is how plusnet treat they long time customers good luck to new customers after the honeymoon period.....and Which... i also never had any contact for a survey
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PlusNet is good in parts. On the whole, things work well. As Sarah said, the fact that they don't accept email (yet are quite happy to send _us_ emails) is frustrating; also, I've just discovered that once you have four questions open, you can't even contact them via the (tortuous) website mechanism, at least without closing one of them, which means losing the person who actually knows something about it: I'm sorry, joclark, "the first agent that goes on the account deals with the issue in hand" unfortunately means that if that agent doesn't understand the question/point (which may not be his/her fault), it takes more time than it should to have it transferred to someone who does. \\ As I've said, it's not bad - about what I expect for the price, which is low but not the lowest. I've certainly encountered far worse (the once-excellent Demon, for example, is now - as part of Vodaphone - right royally screwing its 20+-year customers about).
so my comment from yesterday was not added by plusnet... after them checking it.. and and then today i couldn't log into forums... hmm ... anyways after 5 years on my loyalty (6 at end of my contract) it will be bye bye plusnet and hello to origin.. plusnet dont care about customers anymore... yep you have a live chat so what... customer service sucks...i mean com-on BRIBING customers? when ever they try to raise a fault? ...let alone faults been on my line for months now... but as you can be bothered ... i aint ringing up time after time... maybe you didnt add my last comment because i mentioned origin?
Hi Nigel, Sorry to see you've had a fault. I hope that our faults team have managed to resolve this for you.
Hi Paul, That sounds like you've had a fault following the install. Hopefully our faults team have picked this up and managed to sort this out for you.
Thanks for your feedback, I'm very sorry to see that you're unhappy with the service you've received so far.
Hi Samantha, I'm very sorry to hear of the issues you've had, particularly at this stressful time. I hope that we've now closed the account for you, but if not please let me know and I'll get this sorted out.
Hi there, If you're in contract and want to move house we'll generally ask that you agree to a new contract in order to cover the costs we'd have to pay for this. From the sound of your comment you're moving to an area where we can't offer the very lowest prices, but we should still be able to provide you with a good deal in comparison to other providers in your area.
Hi Shelley, Have you reported this problem to our faults team?
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The worst customer service! just moved house (paid £65 for the transfer), they took over the land line of my neighbours (separate house!!!)...and expect me to install the rooter at my neighbours and keep them happy with all those inconveniences caused! To have such a luxury as to transfer PLUSNET broadband at the place I live I have to pay extra £50 for a separate line!!! guess, why are they letting me know about it just now? they are a joke! they dont deal with complaints they are just talking over you and dont do anything about it. Advice to those who want to use PLUSNET service - NEVER!!! The Media should know about it!
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No Chris, they have not resolved my problem. I had a reply as a result of my comments on this forum which I have answered. Since then nothing. There is something inherently wrong with Plusnet's fault reporting system. Comments from customers are either deliberately ignored or are not being picked up because of a serious flaw in the system. Either way I have had enough. It seems that I have to have this battle every year just before I am about to renew my contract. In the meantime, my ADSL rate has increased to where it should be all by itself and I am now waiting for BT to change my profile back. I am in the process of sounding out other ISP's with a view to changing in June when my present agreement expires. Thankyou to Warbleeder for the tip. They are cheaper than Plusnet and guess what? - I emailed them with a query and they emailed me back instantly asking for a phone number so that they could contact me. Something that Plusnet used to do years ago when they cared about their customers.