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How brands should use emojis – Plusnet whitepaper

How brands should use emojis – Plusnet whitepaper

How brands should use emojis – Plusnet whitepaper

Emojis have taken the social media world by storm. Across messaging apps, newsfeeds, and timelines around the world, people are using emojis to express themselves and react to one another as we share messages, images, and videos from all corners of the web.

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This hasn’t gone unnoticed by brands, either, and we’ve seen our share of unique emojis created for everyone, from Pizza Hut to Kim Kardashian. We even took to social media this summer with our very own Yorkshire emojis, asking you to pick your favourite. The response was overwhelming and proves that emojis are an important part of modern communication.

Brands that haven’t used emojis before, or are completely new to using social media, can have a difficult time ahead of them when learning how to integrate them into their content. That’s why we’ve teamed up with experts from around the world to produce our very own report detailing everything a brand needs to know about emojis.

Inside, we’ll cover:

  • What Are Emojis?
  • Why Do People Use Them?
  • Who Uses Emojis?
  • Four Ways Your Brand Can Use Emojis Effectively

Click here to download: How Brands Should Use Emojis – 2016 Whitepaper

We’d like to send a massive thank you to the contributors in our whitepaper: Dana Loberg (co-founder of MojiLala), Christian Brucculeri, (CEO of Snaps), and Owen Churches (cognitive neuroscientist at Flinders University).

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