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EOD: A gloriously sunny Wednesday the 1st of July

EOD: A gloriously sunny Wednesday the 1st of July

EOD: A gloriously sunny Wednesday the 1st of July

Wow. Today has been beautiful up in Sheffield. Quite a scorcher! I'm fairly sure that this is going to be mentioned in all the EOD posts today. Lets see shall we? First up, James from Comms

Wooo! It's an absolute scorcher here! We keep on looking outside longingly. Amazingly though, for the second day in a row, our air con unit is keeping us lovely and cool as we battle our way through the day. Matt and Chris have been continuing their work to configure some routers for customers who have opted in to the Easy setup trial. Bob has been looking angry and decidedly sweaty when we got in this morning after yet another of his "Healthy Bob" sessions in the gym. After that, he just looked angry. Mand's been working on her usual dose of problems and going to a bunch of meetings. Then there's me, spending my day pottering about in our forums and handling a couple of complaints. That and watching the amount of iPlayer traffic on our network SOAR as Andy Murray came onto Centre Court. Andy's (our Andy, not the tennis player) run away on holiday (nice timing Andy!) and Mike's been hiding somewhere - I think I've only seen him once today. I'm off to find a beer garden. C'mon Murray!

Yeah! Told you so! I bet it continues.... Rys from Development

I'm working on the tail end of some code for our reseller portal, adding a new feature that some recent new customers need. Development has really dragged on after some problems integrating back-end and front-end code (each written by a different team), and it's not quite finished yet. But, there's a bright side actually, which I've realised as I come to the end of development. The development experience, while testing from a sanity point of view, has taught me a hell of a lot. The issues encountered doing multi-site development, from the design to the sharp end of getting it delivered, mean the next time I come across a project that smells similar in intent, I'll be well equipped to help steer it in the proper direction. Every cloud has a silver lining. Anyway, among all that recently we've had a fair bit of action on our alpha and revision control projects, improvements to vISP portals and myriad other things (some really quite exciting, but that I can't talk about yet I think). Oh, and we had a desk move, so we're all in new teams and seats again.

Oh. Perhaps the next one... El Marky from the Web Team

¡Hola! from El Marky, reporting on behalf of the web development team from the air-conditioned bowls of PlusNet's development hacienda. I've been working on problem fixes and tweaking web pages and email templates for a number or projects. I asked the rest of the team what they'd been doing today, here's what they said - Nick "Well, apart from trying to work out whether one of the voicemail adverts on Spotify is Ali asking for "more Beatles" (I kid you not - listen out for it, dead ringer), I've been working on Problems, and mainly sorting out things for the BSP. (Ed. That's Big Secret Project)" Phil "You can say I've been working on signup improvements". (Ed. I will Phil.) Gary "I've been building new web template files which will hopefully plug effortlessly into the new code being written by the dev team." (Ed. I note that Gary's exceptional cardboard sculpture has been mistaken for a pile of discarded boxes, and has been cleared away. Art will never be the same again, though the office will be a little bit tidier.) Sam, the team's bona fide artist, has spent the day drawing. Surprising nobody. Team leader, Jonny, has been rushing around doing 'management'. This week he's introduced a new mantra 'keep calm and carry on'. Sage words indeed The web team's new mascot is Juan-Pablo Wrestito, the renown Mexican silicone rubber wrist rest and web usability expert, he's been searching the web for interesting news, or in his words 'Web Noticias Excepcionalas'. Here's what he found - There's a new version of Firefox, and you can watch its real-time download stats There's a new way to 'google', using Microsoft's Bing search engine. Try it here oh erm, I mean here The Sony Walkman is 30 today. Happy Birthday Mr Walkman

Uh oh.. this is a break from the norm.. Finally, Ian from the Business Support Team

Today has been relatively busy throughout, no major service issues or problems though which is always a good thing. Unfortunately no spare time to sit watching the Wimbledon online as it seems the majority of our customer base have! Martin and Adam have done a sterling job ensuring all faults are up to date, be they newly raised issues which need initial diagnostics completing, or long standing faults which need discussing with BT Wholesale prior to engineer visits taking place. Mark and Phil have been dealing primarily with Plusnet Partner accounts ensuring that all queries raised are picked up and dealt with promptly and efficiently (as is the Plusnet way) such that Partners can provide a good service to their own customers. Anyone interested in becoming a Plusnet Partner or reseller might be interested in having a look at The rest of the team, that's me, Oliver, John and Joe have been picking up all other issues, ranging from provisioning of new accounts through to account changes and billing issues, along with any technical issues and faults which are thrown our way. Most of the team have already left for the day or will be leaving shortly, John and myself are the lucky two staying till 8pm tonight to help out any late working business customers who may need to contact us.

1/4 on the weather reports! That wasn't very good! Sad Right, why are you reading this when you could be outside having a BBQ?! Hop to it!

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