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Order confirmation

Posts: 2
Registered: ‎31-05-2016

Order confirmation


Just placed my order and asked for the start date of the 17th June, but this date has not been confirmed. I'm moving provider from BT.


Two questions.

Will you handle the change over and cancel with BT

Will it happen on the requested date 17th June which is the end of the BT contract


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Re: Order confirmation

BT normally require 30 days notice to cancel their service, so you may be better having a start date at the beginning of July. But yes, PN should do everything for you.

Posts: 2
Registered: ‎31-05-2016

Re: Order confirmation

I'm  not canceling BT my line contract finishes on the 17th June it would be convenient date for a change over

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Re: Order confirmation

If you can PM me your username I'll get that checked for you.

If this post resolved your issue please click the 'This fixed my problem' button
 Matthew Wheeler
 Plusnet Help Team
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Re: Order confirmation

Even though you are not cancelling your BT service, and it will be out of contract, when I did the same last year BT claimed they needed 30 days notice, or they would keep charging me for 30 days, so I just asked PN to start services 30 days from my order. It could be worth checking. HTH.