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Order Confusion

Posts: 11
Registered: ‎10-01-2020

Order Confusion

I signed up to switch from BT to Plusnet last night. My broadband/phone contract with BT doesn't end until 12/02.


I was told on the Plusnet chat that if I choose a migration date of 12th February nothing would switch until then.


I have had email today from BT saying that "We're sorry to hear that you are thinking of moving your phone line and broadband..". The email goes on to say that the move date is 23/1, I will incur £13 odd charges as I am leaving in contract.

Does this mean that I will have both phone/broadband from 23/1? If not..

When I put 12th Feb as migration date what does this mean - is that the date broadband will be moved over? If the phone line moved 23/1 and Broadband 12/2 will I not have internet access for that inbetween time?

Any advice will be appreciated as I am very confused as to how the order will progress....


Plusnet Help Team
Plusnet Help Team
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Re: Order Confusion

Hi there and thanks very much for transferring over to us!


It looks like we owe you an apology! I'm really sorry you were given 12/2/20 as the date for the transfer of services, it is actually due to take place on 23/1/20. 


I'll pass on some feedback for the agent that wrongly advised you . Please do get back to me if there's anything else we can help with. 

If this post resolved your issue please click the 'This fixed my problem' button
 Adam Walker
 Plusnet Help Team
Posts: 11
Registered: ‎10-01-2020

Re: Order Confusion

The 12/2 is the date I originally requested - I called up today and the agent has now changed it from 23/1 to 12/2 so all good now (so please don't amend back to 23/1!)

Many thanks