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Fibre upgrade, not

Posts: 5
Thanks: 1
Registered: ‎24-07-2020

Fibre upgrade, not

Dear Plusnet
User. Rich1960
1. Fibre upgrade/new router ordered 15/7, given activation date of 22/7
2. To date neither has been actioned.
3. No notifications from you advising new dates. Just total silence.
4. Call centre impossible, live chat mysteriously offline.
I accept there is a backlog at present in all areas and possibly understaffed.

What is not acceptable is the total lack of communication or advice given to customers about their orders.
This from a company who boasts of the excellence of their customer service.
Surely it is not beyond the ability of your systems to keep people updated to the progress of orders even as a daily bulk notification for jobs not completed that were due that date.
I am betting that the billing section is working fine and will deduct my new payment when due for the service not provided.
Please sort it out, or at least mail me with expected new dates and to explain why I have not received my new router yet.
Thank you in anticipation,