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Delayed Order

Posts: 1
Registered: ‎23-07-2020

Delayed Order

After 7 days my router had not arrived. On waiting a significant period on the phone. One of your staff helpfully activated my order for broadband (which had not yet been done) and got my router dispatched. I then received confirmation that my broadband would be live 7 days later. (Which I understand might be the case) however, you have since delayed my live date again.
When will my order be activated? Do you intend to delay me any further? (in which case I may have to look at another provider) And What is the cause of this delay? (As it is now we’ll outside the 7 days quoted on your website)
it is impossible to run a business without using excessive amounts of mobile data and is causing great frustration.
To further add to the frustration, repeated attempts to call your customer services have been unsuccessful due to the fact that you’re lines are so busy.