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Can I choose the location of my master socket?

Community Gaffer
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Re: Can I choose the location of my master socket?

Thanks for the clarification @bmc 

With the full address I'd be able to get this raised with Openreach to see if there's anything we can do to speed this up.

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Re: Can I choose the location of my master socket?

Hey - yeah @bmc is correct - I was just using the numbers around my postcode to gain an idea of what cabinet I might be on (I am 214, numbers 215, 217, 219 are on the slow cabinet, but 221 and 223 are on the fast one!!! Hoping they extended the line from there...)


I'll send a PM over to you now @Gandalf - I do have an open support ticket for a new line install in place at my address but even though I'm apparently registered with land registry (according to solicitor) - address still doesn't show up in postcode locators.


Another thing I wanted to ask - when I visited the property yesterday, I noticed people were digging up the road and had spools of fibre cabling. If that's currently in progress now, how long do you reckon it would take them to complete the whole road? How far do they typical progress in a day, roughly?

Community Gaffer
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Re: Can I choose the location of my master socket?

Cheers for the message,

I've raised this to Openreach and I'll let you know what they come back with.

It'd be difficult to advise how long the work will take as it'll depend on a variety of factors like engineer or contractor availability, if traffic management or any other permissions are needed, or if they run into any issues. 

If you've not already, it may be worth you filling out this form to query this directly with Openreach.

Hope this helps. Smiley

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Re: Can I choose the location of my master socket?

Thank you! While I wait, I guess I'll attempt to register the address with Royal Mail even though I haven't moved in yet! Let's see how that goes 😅

Community Gaffer
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Re: Can I choose the location of my master socket?

It's always good to be prepared! Thumbs_Up

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Re: Can I choose the location of my master socket?

Good luck @Abcmsaj 

There is also getting your name on the Electoral Register among informing every company of your change of address. Once you move it I would ring your council.

Don't know where I read this from, so take this with a pinch of salt but I believe the Royal Mail can forward mail from your old address to your new one for a charge. May as well speak to them about it and if you're happy with the charge then accept it.

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Re: Can I choose the location of my master socket?

Thank you! I have a helpful checklist of things I need to move over and cancel! Royal Mail redirect is expensive but something I need to do...

Internet is definitely top of my list of priorities though

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Re: Can I choose the location of my master socket?

Yup I am the same. Grin

Internet is a priority.

Furniture - do that later.
Bed - do that soon as I don't want to be sleeping on the floor.


Community Gaffer
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Re: Can I choose the location of my master socket?

Hiya @Abcmsaj I’ve got a reply back from the Openreach network addressing team and they’ve said that due to the amount of work that's outstanding, your address is what’s called ‘silver key’ so we'll need to manually add your address into the ordering system and place an order to connect the phone line first.

The availability of broadband will then be updated once the phone order has completed. Having said that, it's possible that records will update automatically before we place the order with our suppliers, once the external work you've noticed has been carried out. My recommendation would be for us to get the order in place as soon as you've got a move date. 

That way, as it looks like you've found out from Openreach (Reading the ticket 193056937 on your account) you'll be in the queue so to speak for an engineer appointment for the installation when the time comes.

I hope this helps.

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Re: Can I choose the location of my master socket?

Cheers! I did get a reply from Openreach too but they didn't tell me my address was silver matched - they were just telling me to tell Plusnet that I am a bronze matched address and to get my address listed ASAP.


Royal Mail also got back to me and told me the local authority hasn't listed the address yet, so I had to email them today. No reply yet.


Also got my house contracts through just now! So everything happening in one day... hope getting the line installed is going to be easy! I do already have a new home order in place but Plusnet support haven't replied to the couple of messages I've sent them yet!


EDIT: Tell a lie, just noticed you've replied to the support ticket too - many thanks! Tongue

Community Gaffer
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Re: Can I choose the location of my master socket?

Cheers! I did get a reply from Openreach too but they didn't tell me my address was silver matched - they were just telling me to tell Plusnet that I am a bronze matched address and to get my address listed ASAP.

It's a bit odd, a silver key address would normally show up as an address with a nice shiny silver key next to it in the ordering system, but your address doesn't show up at all so I suspect it is a bronze key as Openreach have advised you.

Also got my house contracts through just now! So everything happening in one day... 

Fun times!

I do already have a new home order in place but Plusnet support haven't replied to the couple of messages I've sent them yet!

They have now... Wink Apologies for the delay in us picking the ticket up though. We've not yet placed an order with our suppliers, but as soon as you've confirmed your move date we'll get that in place for you Smiley


From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Re: Can I choose the location of my master socket?

Thanks very much - hoping to have that replied to the support ticket by the end of next week! Hoping I can also persuade Openreach to run a really long cable into cabinet 10 instead of 12 😜


Appreciate your help again Anoush, thanks!

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Re: Can I choose the location of my master socket?

Hopefully PlusNet can put a note on the order asking for the "good" cabinet to be used so you get a better broadband speed.


Also note that there can be a few days between a phone line being activated and the broadband connection being made. It might be different with a brand new line.



Community Gaffer
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Re: Can I choose the location of my master socket?

@Abcmsaj No problem and fingers crossed!


@bmc There would most definitely be a delay between the phone line and the broadband service going live unless the records of broadband availability are updated before we place the phone order, as we won't be able to place the broadband order until the records are showing that. Happy to leave notes on the order though, always worth a try!

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi