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£49.99 installation charge refund

Posts: 1
Registered: ‎19-10-2020

£49.99 installation charge refund

Hi plusnet community,

I was charged £49.99 for installation charge, for installation today 2020/10/19 between 8am and 1pm.

When I woke up (before 8am) I realised that I had received two emails, one at 00:53am ‘Home Phone your service is ready to use’ and another at 05:07 ‘Your fibre broadband’s ready to go’.

I already had a BT master socket in my flat, and no-one came to my door to change anything or set anything up. I’m aware this can be done at the exchange, but it seems unlikely at such times mentioned above.

If there was in fact no engineer necessary I think I am deserve a £49.99 refund. Could someone please check for me?

Also I needed to pay £25 in Bolt-ons for my Plusnet Mobile account to tie me over working from home waiting for this ‘installation’ - if it can just be done remotely why was I made to wait? Are there refunds available for plusnet mobile data use when waiting for broadband to be set-up? £25 was 4GB + 2GB.

If someone can help look into this for me, that would be great! I’m sure it’s a common query.

Edit: I requested installation of Plusnet broadband on 2020/09/26

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Re: £49.99 installation charge refund

Sounds unlikely that an engineer went out on the day if you received an email in the early hours of the morning saying your service is active.

It’s possible though that exchange work was carried out before hand on an earlier day in the background to connect the line up. *

As far as I’m aware from reading other posts on a similar subject, the engineer charge is still applicable as an engineer would’ve still been needed. If I’m correct that is. 


*so all that was needed was a remote activation on the actual day

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Re: £49.99 installation charge refund

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This topic has been moved from Fibre to My Order 

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