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Account suspension on our unhabitable house

Posts: 19
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Registered: ‎05-12-2017

Account suspension on our unhabitable house

We’re currently awaiting major repairs on our house (it’s all in the hands of our house insurance and taking forever). We’ve been moving around a series of holiday cottages for a while now and it just seems daft to continue paying £28 a monthly for home broadband when there’s no electricity in the house and the router got wasted due to water. By the way we have 7 months left on our existing contract 🙁

I’ve searched the forums but some posts are related to people moving house or the posts are over 3 years old.


Does anyone think we may be able to suspend our account given our circumstances?




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Registered: ‎22-08-2007

Re: Account suspension on our unhabitable house



What terrible unfortunate circumstances!

Yes, there has been a history of some light bending to suspend an account during a protracted house move where the account holder has needed a bridging home.  However that is facilitated by the cease of the existing service at the old property and a delayed installation of the new service at the new property - a maximum of 90 days.

I would seek to plead exceptional circumstances and see what the business can offer.  Do you have email or referrals on your account?  If the account has to be closed, you WILL lose those items and might have to pay ETCs as well.

Contact Customer Options Team (aka COTS)

COTs is the place to go to if you want to find out anything to do with your contract in respect of leaving, renewing or simply enquiring about early termination charges (ETCs). They have their own number and tend to answer quicker than the general customer service number.

Direct dial numbers

  • 0800 013 2632 or 0800 079 1133(from within the UK)
  • +44 330 123 9197 (from abroad)
  • Available...
    • 8am - 8pm Monday to Friday
    • 9am - 7pm Saturday
    • 9am - 6pm Sunday


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Registered: ‎30-06-2016

Re: Account suspension on our unhabitable house

If you cancel the service you will also lose any extras that you might have but are no longer provided to new customers, such as your email account and domain.

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Posts: 24,459
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Registered: ‎22-08-2007

Re: Account suspension on our unhabitable house

A personal domain name should still be capable of being moved elsewhere. It will though cease to be “free for life”.

Without doubt will be lost.

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

Posts: 19
Thanks: 3
Fixes: 1
Registered: ‎05-12-2017

Re: Account suspension on our unhabitable house

A huge thank you for your response.

We rang COTS and they were so helpful and very sympathetic. Our contract was cancelled the next day without any exit fees. We couldn’t move to another address as we are moving around various holiday cottages every 4 weeks or so.

They also suggested we claim back from our insurance what costs we had already incurred for broadband since the burst pipe incident, something which hasn’t occurred to me. 
