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Rising Star
Posts: 96
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Registered: ‎15-05-2018


Whilst I’m here I’ll ask this too. What is “ fair usage “ when applied to texts ? I don’t normally take note of my bills but for some reason I was charged £6.07 for April due to an extra 5p for texts . I sent 555, apparently. I do not use any data whatsoever. This puts me at a disadvantage to someone buying a new sim only deal for £6. I know it’s only 7p but…….


Plusnet Help Team
Plusnet Help Team
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Registered: ‎07-12-2017

Re: Billing

Hiya @Wibblyp, thanks for your post. I'm sorry for the delay in getting back to you!


I'm really sorry for the concern caused with your bill. Our fair usage policy can be viewed here: though it relates to usage outside of the UK so unless you have been outside the UK, it's unlikely that you've breached fair usage. 


If you can send me over a PM with your Mobile Number & full name, we can then go through security checks and I can take a look over the bill for you. (to send a PM, click on my name and then to the right, there will be a grey button to 'send private message' and in the message please include a link to this thread)

If this post resolved your issue please click the 'This fixed my problem' button
 Lauren Barry
 Plusnet Help Team
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Registered: ‎22-08-2007

Re: Billing


Do you by chance live near the NI boarder with the Irish Republic - or near a ferry terminal having ferries from there or the IoM?

Both the IR and IoM are in the Roam Like at Home band 1.  There have been reports of mobile users on several networks being charged at roaming rates if their mobiles connect to a close neighbouring territory's network.  I seem to recall an incident of someone being charged roaming rates when their mobile connected to a ferry's mobile network at Stranraer - its mobile network being that of its home base!!

Also note that text message counting is based on 120 characters or there part of, so your 555 test messages could have been higher (or more than you thought).

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