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Openreach have incorrect postcode for my address.

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Registered: ‎22-03-2021

Openreach have incorrect postcode for my address.


My postcode was recently changed from PL113HA to PL113EY because we were incorrectly logged on the Royal Mail database. The phone number and address are the same as they have always been. I noticed that Openreach do not have my updated postcode on their database and so I am invisible on their system. I understand that I can only correct this through my provider, as I can't contact Openreach directly. I tried to do this on 8th March by phoning Plusnet customer services (Question 212145125). I was assured that the Plusnet database was now correct and that the updated postcode was being forwarded to Openreach. However, I am still unable to enter my correct postcode when doing an enquiry on BT's site, with the error  "Sorry - The postcode you have entered does not match with the postcode recorded by Openreach for the telephone number entered". I am out of contract with Plusnet and I want to be able to look around for other deals, but at the moment I am being prevented from doing so by this data error.

I would be grateful if this could be sorted please!

Plusnet Help Team
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Re: Openreach have incorrect postcode for my address.


Hi there. Thank you for your message. I have sent this through to our back end team to update the records for you. We will be in touch via text and email once this has been picked up. Chris.

 Chris Fitzsimmons
 Plusnet Help Team
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Re: Openreach have incorrect postcode for my address.

Thanks Chris.

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Re: Openreach have incorrect postcode for my address.

Moderator's note by Mike (Mav): The fix has been changed to @BadWolf24 as per message #2.

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Re: Openreach have incorrect postcode for my address.

Hi BadWolf24,

I'm afraid this issue is still not sorted!

I gave up after the frustration of my previous attempts as I was going on holiday. I have today tried to set up another broadband package, this time with SKY (I need a broadband/TV/phone package) and I've had two orders cancelled because the address does not match with Openreach data. Despite repeated assurances from Plusnet and Openreach that this has been fixed, it has not. I'm now trapped with Plusnet because any attempt I make to go with another provider is automatically rejected due to an anomaly on the Openreach database. I really need to get this sorted.

Community Gaffer
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Re: Openreach have incorrect postcode for my address.

Thanks for getting back to us @AndyCarne 

I understand you had previously confirmed via a ticket on your account this issue was resolved as you were able to place an order with BT? Is this not the case now? Your address is correct across Openreach's systems, following the ORDI. 

If you can place an order with one service provider but not another, then I'd recommend contacting that service provider you can't place an order with to investigate further as there doesn't seem to be an issue with your address.

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Registered: ‎22-03-2021

Re: Openreach have incorrect postcode for my address.


No. I thought I could place and order with BT, but it failed three times. I then gave up because I was going on holiday and I was worn out with the constant phone calls and repeated cancelled orders. Now this is happening all over again with SKY. The problem is still with Openreach because that is how the orders are being cancelled. SKY have said there's nothing they can do and it's down to Plusnet to fix this.

Community Gaffer
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Re: Openreach have incorrect postcode for my address.

Thanks for getting back to me @AndyCarne 

The address is correct across Openreach's systems, so the ORDI's done its work as an address correction request. If there are further issues with the new provider's order, ideally they should be raising this with Openreach in the appropriate way. 

If they work with Openreach in a similar or same way we'd do, if our roles were reversed, I'd raise a bridge case to Openreach's second line support team through their website/portal with details of the failed orders.  

If you can however get the rejection reason that your new provider get from their orders they've placed, and drop me a PM with it, I'll see if there's anything further I can do to raise this with Openreach from our side.

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
Posts: 6
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Registered: ‎22-03-2021

Re: Openreach have incorrect postcode for my address.


I'll do this and get back to you. I imagine it will take some time.

I have to say that it is quite absurd on the part of Openreach to not allow direct contact with them so that I can get to the bottom of this. I've been assured multiple times that this has been fixed.

Community Gaffer
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Re: Openreach have incorrect postcode for my address.

No problem @AndyCarne 

I've raised a new support ticket on your account you can view and respond to by going Here.

Feel free to respond to that or drop me a PM once you've got the information. 

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
Posts: 6
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Registered: ‎22-03-2021

Re: Openreach have incorrect postcode for my address.
