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Landline number porting rejected

Posts: 25
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Registered: ‎20-01-2025

Landline number porting rejected

A couple of weeks ago, I requested that Plusnet change my service from FTTC to SoGEA and was informed by email from them last Wednesday (15/1/2025) that this had taken place. I want to port my landline number to A&A, so then opened an account with them with the details of the ceased telephone line.

On Thursday (16/1), I received an email from A&A telling me that an additional charge would be levied because the port had been rejected as there was already a port order in effect (I had not placed any other such orders).

Strangely, the telephone line continued to function until Friday. On Monday (today), A&A informed me that they would request the number port again, and soon afterwards that it had been rejected again due to Plusnet not having the number available.

I had read people's previous experiences on this forum before initiating the change, and understood that Plusnet would be required to hold my number for porting for the duration of the quarantine period.

I'd appreciate any advice on how to proceed, and to make others aware that this process is still prone to failure.

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Re: Landline number porting rejected


Phone A&A Support urgently. Only they can fix things.


As you say, you don't port the number until your Internet conenction has been updated, at which point you have 30 days to port the number.


Di you sign up to A&A through their website? If so, Iwonder if you inadvertantly clicked a Port my Number box.



Posts: 25
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Registered: ‎20-01-2025

Re: Landline number porting rejected

Thanks - I did carefully fill in A&A's website order process, which had a specific option to port a ceased number.

I have just had a phone conversation with Plusnet support, who have cleared up a few things:

Apparently numbers are not available for porting for 14-days following the ending of the telephone service. They call this the quarantine period, and they wait this time in case of order change cancellation.

Following that, i.e. from 29/1 in my case, the number can be ported for 31 days, which they call the migration period.

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Re: Landline number porting rejected


I repeat my previous suggestion - PHONE A&A Suport. Only they can sort this out.


As far as I'm aware, the number should be available immediately for porting.



Posts: 25
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Registered: ‎20-01-2025

Re: Landline number porting rejected

Thanks - I'll call them in the morning. I've had quite a few responses from an A&A salesperson about the multiple porting rejections, the most recent of which states:

"I'm afraid it has been thrown out as not in service again.  I objected
to Plus net via our suppliers, but they seem to have ditched it.  Sorry"

This is contradicted by Plusnet who have told me to wait 14 days, and doesn't seem to recognise the process of porting a ceased number.


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Re: Landline number porting rejected

I've escalated this to try and find out what's going on....

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

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Registered: ‎20-01-2025

Re: Landline number porting rejected

Yes, it would be good to know why Plusnet are following a process that makes the number unavailable for 2 weeks, with extra cost being added due to them rejecting porting requests.

Posts: 20
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Registered: ‎08-05-2021

Re: Landline number porting rejected

Hello @Peter-J 

I'm about to port my landline to A&A too. Which option in the A&A order process (screenshot attached) did you choose?

o Yes, I would like to use One Touch Switching

o No, this is a recently ceased number

o No, I don't wish to use One Touch Switching


Posts: 25
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Registered: ‎20-01-2025

Re: Landline number porting rejected

Hi, I chose "No, this is a recently ceased number" because Plusnet had already emailled me to say that the change to SoGEA had happened. The telephone line continued to function for 2 days despite outgoing calls not appearing on my account. I was told last night by Plusnet that they keep lines working for a short time intentionally, and that they will not accept porting requests for 14 days, which they called quarantine. However the general consensus seems to be that quarantine means that the number should be immediately available for porting and for the following 31 days.

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Registered: ‎08-05-2021

Re: Landline number porting rejected

Peter-J The option you chose is the correct one and my understanding is also that once your regrade to SoGEA has completed the 30-day quarantine period, during which you can port your number, begins. My SoGEA regrade is due tomorrow, so I look forward to Plusnet's response to your situation.

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Re: Landline number porting rejected

I was told last night by Plusnet that they keep lines working for a short time intentionally, and that they will not accept porting requests for 14 days, which they called quarantine. However the general consensus seems to be that quarantine means that the number should be immediately available for porting and for the following 31 days.

I've had confirmation that the number should be available for porting as soon as the product change is complete.

To quote

I've not heard of this but I've checked with Openreach and they have confirmed the number is spare (read: available), so another CP should not have any issues porting it. 

So it would seem that you were given erroneous information by support. I will request investigation into why support gave that information.

The suggestion on the escalation is

I'd suggest for A&A (or whichever CP) to get back in touch with Openreach to investigate further why they're unable to port it into their network. 

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

Posts: 25
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Registered: ‎20-01-2025

Re: Landline number porting rejected

Hi MisterW,

Thanks for investigating; can I ask whether the person you're quoting as having confirmed that the number has "spare" status was able to check my specific number? The support person I spoke to last night was quite certain that this was not the case and wrote the following on question 245733453 :


Good evening following our phone call, I can confirm that you will be able to port your number on the 29/01/2025. This is due to the number being in quarantine for 14 days. The number can then be ported for the next 31 days as it will be in the migration period. I apologise for any inconvenience caused in the process.


The Full Monty
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Re: Landline number porting rejected

@Peter-J @MisterW would have been quoting someone who had checked your specific number, yes.

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Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: Landline number porting rejected

@Peter-J yes, it was your number that was checked.

Thanks for the 'ticket' info though , I'll give that to the person who checked, they can then 'retrain' whoever provided that information.

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

Posts: 20
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Registered: ‎08-05-2021

Re: Landline number porting rejected

I have received an email from Plusnet stating that my product change is complete (ie to SoGEA ("Fibre")), but like Peter-J my landline still works: 17070 reports the same number as before, and I can both make and receive calls. I wonder if the fact that Peter-J's landline was still working when he placed his order on A&A, choosing the "number has recently ceased" option, caused the port rejection, since his number clearly had not been ceased yet.