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Posts: 11
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Registered: ‎25-08-2015


i have just moved over from ee fibre to plusnet and now i can hardly join a game of csgo never had any issues with ee i think i have made a big mistake Angry
Posts: 26
Thanks: 6
Registered: ‎04-07-2013

Re: csgo

What happens when you try to join a server/game? Any error message?
I also play CSGO (I'm a "Supreme", trying to reach Global) and can play without problems on my FTTC connection (~72Mb/~18Mb). My ping to official valve servers are between 15ms and 50ms depending on the server location (Luxembourg vs Sweden). Me and other users had some problems a few months ago(1) but now everything is working fine.
Maybe the problem is not on your connection, some users reported that turning off the "gaming mode" on the plusnet router fixes some problems. If you're using WiFi, try to play wired. You can also do some tests on your line to see if everything is ok... do a speed test(2) on thinkbroadband and set up a ping test(3) to see how your line is behaving.
Posts: 25
Thanks: 2
Registered: ‎20-04-2015

Re: csgo

I have played CSGO without issues on plusnet over the past few months after switching the ISP, usually getting a ping between 45-55ms, however over the last week or so my ping ranges from 80-200ms ping & causing my CSGO shooting to be worse than usual (thats my excuse :P)
I can get into games no problems, however just the high ping is driving me nuts.
I have literally just added these ports to the router that I found on the steam community website, so I will report back if this helps, however I'm curious if there is anything up with my line because the other morning I had to reset my router as my d/l was 0.43mbps & my upload was 0.50mbps (which was unusual).
Steam Client
UDP 27000 to 27015 inclusive (Game client traffic)
UDP 27015 to 27030 inclusive (Typically Matchmaking and HLTV)
TCP 27014 to 27050 inclusive (Steam downloads)
UDP 4380

Posts: 12
Registered: ‎25-05-2011

Gaming Disconnects and Constant High MS on multiple servers.

I can not seem to get a decent ping on any servers in Counter Strike Global Offensive and a few other applications. I extremely familiar with network as I hold a few CISCO Certs, so I have been troubleshooting this alot.  I have tried the following;

Uninstall > Reinstall
Game Cache updates
Different Hub
Different Systems
Unblocked required ports on more than on system.

The problem is 100% how my packets are being routed on plusnets end. It's completely out of my control. I have had nothing but trouble with my internet connection over the past 6 MONTHS and I am on the edge of looking for a new provider.  Does plusnet have any idea whats going on here? It's really not worth my £40 per month.
Hope to get a response soon. I also have a ticket open but to no avail its gone unanswered.
Posts: 12
Registered: ‎25-05-2011

Re: csgo

Aspiring Champion
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Registered: ‎13-07-2012

Re: Gaming Disconnects and Constant High MS on multiple servers.

those pings are high maybe its a routing issue hopefully someone at plusnet will help you in the morning pal Smiley
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Registered: ‎11-01-2008

Re: csgo

merged csgo topics as they seem related.
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