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Your gaming with PlusNet

Posts: 23
Registered: ‎05-06-2007

Your gaming with PlusNet

My name is Chris and i work in the CSC, if you have called recently you may well have spoken to me!
This is my first of many posts so I will make it a good one, and I am hoping for lots of constructive feedback, so be nice.

From Xbox 360 to PC or PS3, we all like to put a little time aside to play the latest games around. Whether your thing is spending the afternoon saving mankind from impending doom or just plain blowing up your friends in a 4-way deathmatch, we want your outlook on what gaming means for you and what we as your ISP can do to make this easier and more fun!

We are wanting to promote top-notch gaming on PlusNet, we have lots of ideas ourselves and really want your feedback! We want to make an excellent experience for you hardcore gamers (and the not so hardcore) out there and want to know what you think we should be doing.

I can promise you that all ideas will be taken into consideration

We want to ramp up the already active community here and give you guys something more to talk about.

A couple of ideas we have at the moment:

- We are looking into storing all the latest game patches for you, rather than downloading from the slow EA link or fileplanet we want to give this to you faster than them. Would you make use of this?

- LAN Tournament hosted at Internet House! - What games would you guys want to play?

- Possible gaming package designed specifially for... Gamers! - Would you be interested?

- Possible game server hosting for our gaming customers - Would this be a feature you would use?

We really want some volunteers and lots of constructive feedback to help us out with this, as we really want to make this better for you and there is only so much that we can come up with on our own.

So please post here ANYTHING that you feel would make your gaming life easier, more fun and more involved with PlusNet.

Posts: 7
Registered: ‎11-06-2007

Re: Your gaming with PlusNet

Here's my reply and ideas:
- We are looking into storing all the latest game patches for you, rather than downloading from the slow EA link or fileplanet we want to give this to you faster than them. Would you make use of this?

I would indefinitely use the PlusNet storage as UK servers provide fully efficient download speeds.

- LAN Tournament hosted at Internet House! - What games would you guys want to play?

You'd have to look at the current games and upcoming games, at the moment the main games are Call of Duty 2, Counter Strike: Source, Unreal Tournament 2004, Quake 4. I'm not too sure about many upcoming games but Unreal Tournament 3 (2007) is going to be a big hit, hosting a tournament for that game would be amazing to say the least.

- Possible gaming package designed specifially for... Gamers! - Would you be interested?

A gamers package sounds delightful, even though I know there's no such thing as unlimited bandwidth because the exchanges would just get flooded with data being sent and recieved. I would recommend a server or two being rented ontop of the broadband package, maybe as an extra on the "change package" page?

- Possible game server hosting for our gaming customers - Would this be a feature you would use?

I would certainly rent a game server if they were set at something to, lets say, £1 per slot, that they have a control panel to modify the server configurations and be able to restart it manually. Server slots are usually in even numbers, the minimum would have to be 10 slots because lets say a 2 slot server would be a waste of server space and I know that there is a set amount of game servers to install onto the server box itself, as too many would create a lot of stress on the components. There's also the issue with storage space because as I play Unreal Tournament 2004 you can set the game to store "server side demos", these are files which record the games you play and save them on the same hard drive as the game which would possibly fill up the hard drive rather quickly.

I hope my additional ideas have helped. I'll be on this forum non stop now so I can help out more if needed.
Posts: 45
Registered: ‎05-04-2007

Re: Your gaming with PlusNet

Hi all,
How about PlusNet putting themselves into virtual world games such as Second Life? Lets bring PlusNet Towers into the virtual world.
Toyota and Honda are already doing this, and its becoming more and more popular, some Japanese politican has recently done this too

Posts: 2,083
Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: Your gaming with PlusNet

Saw something like this on Sky News last week :-
Posts: 7
Registered: ‎11-06-2007

Re: Your gaming with PlusNet

I'm not sure i'd see myself using something like that, it reminds me of the PS3 lobby, but i'd sure see my family using it. It's a good idea, might also be educational in some ways. The only question is, what would the PlusNet Towers have in them and what would people get to do?
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Posts: 1,075
Registered: ‎11-06-2007

Re: Your gaming with PlusNet

Hello all,
Im Adam and like Chris i'm also in the CSC.
It's good see we have some top ideas already! Keep them coming so we have as much information as possible to work with and we should hopefully be able to see what we can do.
Myself, i am pretty interested about setting up a LAN tournament with staff and customers at the new HQ in Sheffield Cheesy
So......purely out of interest, im going to put up a poll to see who would be able to attend an event if does happen in the future Wink
Also the idea of providing a mirror for game files with a company such as gamershell should be easily implimented!
Thanks again to everyone that has posted so far, kudos to all!
Posts: 52
Registered: ‎17-06-2007

Re: Your gaming with PlusNet

Second life is a strange game. Can make real $$$$ with it but Plusnet in it would be diffferent Smiley
I am more of a WOW person (play way too much).
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Posts: 1,075
Registered: ‎11-06-2007

Re: Your gaming with PlusNet

Thanks for the ideas guys, we are still looking into all of them and we should see some interesting things come of them over the coming weeks!  Grin
We should be able to add some support pages and online gaming tutorials for those that want help with anything but in the meantime keep the ideas coming.
Anything you think that we should offer that has a gaming flavour will be taken into account and will help us to help you!
Posts: 123
Registered: ‎01-08-2007

Re: Your gaming with PlusNet

I'm a dedicated cod / cod2 gamer and play in leagues in clanbase,
we currently are recruiting players for our community so if ur interested let me know.
the lan sounds good to me but it would have to be weekends as work is busy 24/7 Wink
how do people feel about using mirc client?
as a clan we use this for direct contact, as ive noticed the servers hosted
by plusnet it might be handy to use for admin reasons or just simply hang out and chat etc.
if you go for that i can put up a "how to" even for the novice Wink

also as a big gamer in the cod2 community maybe we could get a league or tournament outside of the lan going for everyone around the world to join?
when i have other ideas il let you know
Posts: 105
Registered: ‎09-08-2007

Re: Your gaming with PlusNet

would like to see some COD 1 & 2 servers, as well as the BF series.......come on who doesn't like flying down the Hanoi valley in a Hughie with Ride of the Valkyries playing in the background, or zapping a Battlewalker with a Pilum???
UT2004 can be great fun also.  I have experience with hosting and running COD servers, with AWE mods etc. and also managing BF2142 servers, as my clan has their own.  TS is also a must for gaming, and again experience with admin rights, and making sure it doesn't get spammed by the script kiddies.
Posts: 76
Registered: ‎17-07-2007

Re: Your gaming with PlusNet

- Possible game server hosting for our gaming customers - Would this be a feature you would use?

What about Teamspeak servers to ?
Plusnet Help Team
Plusnet Help Team
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Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: Your gaming with PlusNet

We've already got one Teamspeak server -
Dave Tomlinson
Enterprise Architect - Network & OSS
Plusnet Technology
Posts: 76
Registered: ‎17-07-2007

Re: Your gaming with PlusNet

Quote from: dave
We've already got one Teamspeak server -

And thats just dandy  Grin i was thinking more along the lines of clan rented TS servers for just the clan itself.
Public TS can cause problems with people going in and out of the chanel your using when for example your in a match or  other important game that dosn't require some 10 year old entering the channel and shouting abuse while your trying to talk (and you can't kick them).
Far fetched i know but it has happend even with my old clans TS and thats wasn't even public.
It would be simple to offer customers a game server and TS server on the same server (like we used to do) with very little cost to yourselfs and would in my eyes have the punters flocking in  Smiley
Posts: 123
Registered: ‎01-08-2007

Re: Your gaming with PlusNet

Quote from: Tracer
Quote from: dave
We've already got one Teamspeak server -

And thats just dandy  Grin i was thinking more along the lines of clan rented TS servers for just the clan itself.
Public TS can cause problems with people going in and out of the chanel your using when for example your in a match or  other important game that dosn't require some 10 year old entering the channel and shouting abuse while your trying to talk (and you can't kick them).
Far fetched i know but it has happend even with my old clans TS and thats wasn't even public.
It would be simple to offer customers a game server and TS server on the same server (like we used to do) with very little cost to yourselfs and would in my eyes have the punters flocking in  Smiley

in our clan we have a TS server which is public, but we also have private channels there for registered people and it has a private password, it also helps that 9/10 times a server admin is on for every match, but we could ask to get set up seperate channels for the different games played
Posts: 29
Registered: ‎31-07-2007

Re: Your gaming with PlusNet

Great! I play COD2 almost every night, but your server is only s&D and I'm more a TDM or CTF fanatic.  My pings are poor since I was upgraded to a faster broadband speed  so I have taken on board the advice to remove interleaving..  However I have been warned that it may cause instability and I may be charged to get it changed back!!!!  I cant Understand that bit I thought support was about trying to solve customers problems not charging them extra when something they try to fix it doesn't work.. I hope it works cause if I am "charged "  to put it back again that will probably be the last incentive for a move back to the parent company phone and all!  (BT)
PS some of you will know me as Tally  when playing in the game, not in a clan but have a few friends who play along on TS.