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Yes, it's another NAT problem thread.

Posts: 12
Registered: ‎03-10-2011

Yes, it's another NAT problem thread.

You've probably had more than enough threads about NAT problems but, really, none of the ones I've read on here have helped my problem at all.
So I've got the Plusnet Pro add on, yet have managed to have a worse NAT setting with my Xbox 360 than I did with my last provider: Moderate with the last, Strict now with Plusnet. I've tried just about everything that I've found to do while looking it up online, but none of it has worked. I've tried:

  • Giving my Xbox a static IP and using the preconfigured Xbox Live app in my router setup to point to that IP.

  • Forwarding ports manually (which, to be honest, I don't think has worked for me ever for anything).

  • Turning off extended security under UPnP.

  • Tried setting my Xbox up as a DMZ but don't have the option in my router settings. It will let me set the two computers in my house as DMZs (which I'm obviously not going to do) and even my sister's Blackberry but not my Xbox as it doesn't appear in the list, even though it's set up as a device.

I think that's everything I've tried, can't think of anything else. It just seems pointless to pay extra for faster gaming speeds if I can hardly use them. My router is a Thomson TG585 v8 by the way.
Posts: 567
Registered: ‎20-10-2009

Re: Yes, it's another NAT problem thread.

The issue here is definitely the router.  I recently talked a customer through this process recently.  Tried a number of methods including the DMZ option but eventually got there by:
- Assigning a static IP to the console.
- Disabling "Extended Security" but leaving "Upnp" enabled.
- Forwarding the ports to the consoles static I.P. specific to the game in question via "Game & Application Sharing". (There were quite a few!)
- Restart the router.
The critical step was the powering off and on of the router.  All the configuration was correct but did not take effect until the router was rebooted.  Which game in particular are you having trouble with?
Posts: 12
Registered: ‎03-10-2011

Re: Yes, it's another NAT problem thread.

Well it's Gears of War 3 I'm playing in particular but, really, it's all of Xbox Live that has this problem rather than individual games.
Had already done the first three points you listed above, but just tried forwarding ports specific  to the game. Well, I actually did the ports for Gears of War 2, since 3 doesn't seem to be on the site. I also tried forwarding the ports they say to do for Xbox Live rather than the preconfigured one on the router as this one seemed to have more ports, which I thought might make a difference, but I'm still stuck on Strict and I've restarted my router each time I've tried something different.
I just don't get how people can have the same exact router but no problem with their NAT whatsoever if it's a router problem. 😕
Posts: 12
Registered: ‎03-10-2011

Re: Yes, it's another NAT problem thread.

Any other ideas? Is there nothing Plusnet can do since (I'm assuming) they set up the router in the first place? I realise they don't actually make them, but surely they set them up so they're specific to Plusnet and, like you said, it's the router that's the issue. But if all the routers are set up the same and it's a router problem, why is it other people with the same router have an open NAT, or at least a moderate one?
Community Gaffer
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Re: Yes, it's another NAT problem thread.

Guessing you managed to sort this out in the end?

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
If I've been helpful then please give thanks ⤵

Posts: 12
Registered: ‎03-10-2011

Re: Yes, it's another NAT problem thread.

Yeh, thanks. Not sure how it ended up open in the end but no complaints from me! 😛
Posts: 17
Registered: ‎26-10-2010

Re: Yes, it's another NAT problem thread.

Just as an aside, even with open NAT I cannot always connect to 3 or 4 people in my friends list. However we have changed our gamerzone all to "Underground" and for some reason it has enabled me to join 2 of them. Clearly Xbox Live matchmaking has an effect on connections as well?
Posts: 12
Registered: ‎11-10-2011

Re: Yes, it's another NAT problem thread.

Just wanted to ask if anyone has a step by step guide to getting an open NAT on PS3.....i'm playing Call of Duty MW3.
Was going to buy another router to get round this (if that's the best way) but before i do i would like to give it another go!
It says Nat type 2 and UPNP is enabled but COD says its still strict :S
Posts: 242
Registered: ‎21-08-2008

Re: Yes, it's another NAT problem thread.

Have my xbox in a DMZ to get open NAT, should be the same for PS3. Instructions copied from another thread:
This issue is likely to be caused by your router.  It might be an idea to see if you get the same issue when your is in the DMZ.  To configure this you should:
•Login to your router at . Username: Admin Password: <<Your router serial number>>
•Choose "Home Network"
•Choose "Devices"
•Choose "Assign the public IP address of a connection to a device" and choose the MAC/IP address of the PS3 in the drop down box (ensure you don't put select the MAC of the pc or you will be open to viruses as the DMZ opens all ports - fine for a games console).
Hope this helps
Posts: 12
Registered: ‎11-10-2011

Re: Yes, it's another NAT problem thread.

Quote from: Mathias
Have my xbox in a DMZ to get open NAT, should be the same for PS3. Instructions copied from another thread:
This issue is likely to be caused by your router.  It might be an idea to see if you get the same issue when your is in the DMZ.  To configure this you should:
•Login to your router at . Username: Admin Password: <<Your router serial number>>
•Choose "Home Network"
•Choose "Devices"
•Choose "Assign the public IP address of a connection to a device" and choose the MAC/IP address of the PS3 in the drop down box (ensure you don't put select the MAC of the pc or you will be open to viruses as the DMZ opens all ports - fine for a games console).
Hope this helps

i did this but now it wont connect.....
Posts: 13
Registered: ‎28-10-2010

Re: Yes, it's another NAT problem thread.

Do you stream files from your PC to your PS3?
I've had problems with previous COD games that were fixed by turning media streaming OFF (I think the option is hidden away somewhere in the PS3's network settings menu)
Posts: 12
Registered: ‎11-10-2011

Re: Yes, it's another NAT problem thread.

Tried turning media sharing off but the problem still persists  Huh
Rising Star
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Registered: ‎21-07-2010

Re: Yes, it's another NAT problem thread.